What will he accomplish besides enabling Trump to stay in the office for the rest of his term? The author is destroying democracy in order to save it.
What will he accomplish besides enabling Trump to stay in the office for the rest of his term? The author is destroying democracy in order to save it.
No mention of God. Pence would throw that in somehow.
100% correct. The GOP has figured out a way to deal with Trump: keep him as the distracting figurehead and manipulate him to head off the worst. Trump is obviously unable to keep up to speed with day-to-day details, so working around him is the way they avoid losing power. “TREASON?” Yes, probably, unless you think…
Oh, tosh. This is the third article I’ve seen today on the 25th Amendment.
The kids got to see that their dad isn’t a criminal, and it was no big deal to them. They were also taught a lesson in how to deal reasonably with other human beings. Those are both valuable. If the dad wants to bring it to the attention of the management I wouldn’t criticize him. But if he can simply calm down then…
I don’t really know how to respond to this. The brand I usually use (California Olive Ranch) is slightly peppery, and I’ve tasted others as well. A quick Google search lends many examples. This article is one such: it’s a little long, but several are called “peppery”.
Some olive oils taste peppery. Others taste fruity. Is that shocking?
You’re being that guy anyway.
This is a long argument ... :)
This is a long argument ... :)
And they’re frozen, don’t forget!
Many people will combine Velveeta and Ro-Tel tomatoes to make “queso”.
Not in my experience, but apparently there are regional differences.
I respect your right to enjoy canned biscuits. Even though I hate you now.
So, you’ve never changed lanes?
Glass half full ... at least he’s not suffering anymore.
I haven’t seen a Cracker Barrel in years, either. Apparently there’s one only two hours away though!
What the fork is wrong with asking someone a question? What’s the worst that could happen? These people came to the restaurant all the time together and now one of them is gone. It’s not like they’re strangers on the subway.
Calling this “pathological” is ridiculous and absurd. Here are two human beings, social animals, who have encountered each other many times, and one is not supposed to notice a potentially huge change in the other’s life? The wife/widow will probably welcome the interaction if she’s a senior.
I only learned in the comments that Hershey’s chocolate is exported. I have no idea why, because only people who don’t know better eat it.
There was lots of plain old sugar, which was a favorite before chocolate got cheap and artificial flavors were developed.