the guy with the cat

God, Mary Jane, the bane of Halloweens past! The worst packaging ever, except for the warning red stripe. And the candy tastes only slightly better than it looks.

Some of these are really common, and some aren’t. You’d be hard-pressed to find Abba-Zabba or Chick-O-Sticks in most stores ... I’ve never tried either of them and I’m pushing 60.

We appreciate the fact that you played a velociraptor for five years, but your limited experience doesn’t define the city. But you are right that we were doing great without the NFL.

Since you’re making judgement calls about the relative value of human life, I’ll follow your lead and side with the non-murderer.

The “boss” probably just got reamed out by someone who runs the hospital and was still pissed. Not an excuse, but typical.

So, it’s basically not that bad to kill people you don’t like, but it’s cruel to put someone in prison for life? Just checking.

Nothing ever changes ...

I especially enjoyed the “How to get started? Buy this electrically-powered mat!” Not “just take off your damn shoes, idiot”.

They’re worried their eyebrows might catch fire. Savannah’s wont but she’s probably still obsessing over it.

But they generally move very little.

Mostly Republicans. 

It ended just fine for Gerald Ford. He served out his term and got to be an ex-president. Did he get elected for a full term? No, because he was a mediocre politician whose highest elected office was Representative from Grand Rapids, Michigan.


Even if Trump were somehow impeached, he would get an instantaneous pardon from President Pence. Worked before.

If college is anything like it used to be, simply having trash bags on hand would be a good idea. Solvents like rubbing alcohol aren’t very good for computers, or any kind of plastic.

If college is anything like it used to be, simply having trash bags on hand would be a good idea. Solvents like

This article is getting better and better! Fuck Oklahoma and Texas A&M!

Drop and give me 20. But first wipe that froth off your face.

Typically the man who murdered his family and then shifted blame to his wife would get a lot of play on those sites. But this is even more sensational! Just ignore the hundreds of other people killed since she disappeared.

Counterpoint: if you’re in your 20s or 30s, why are you reading this? It doesn’t apply to you. It’s not bad advice for us who need it, though.

What kind of car was it? Was it the really the best car to take into the woods? How cheaply could you get a car like that?