That’s pushing it. 20 is a young adult.
That’s pushing it. 20 is a young adult.
As I got closer to it, I self-defined middle age as a very narrow window of about five years :)
Fortunately the one in the main photo is the timeless “Swingline” can opener, the only kind I’ve ever used. Made sure to buy one as soon as I moved out.
Oh, I just figured someone shot it nearby :)
5. “The Republican Party is in deep shit” is exactly what they told us last time ... getting older and whiter, less appeal to average people, etc. These are only primaries and don’t count for shit.
Unfortunately the woman interviewed falls into what I’d call “extreme old age”, and people were still having issues with beauty in their 70s. As I hurtle into the 60s I can honestly say a lot of my peers still pay attention to that stuff. The sooner you make peace with yourself the better!
My dictionary (obviously not a real dictionary, just whatever pops up into Google) says 45 to 65.
I’m not sure we agree on the definition of “best job ever” but the cooking sounds like fun. I’m assuming all your muskrat was organic and locally-sourced?
Install a camera on the pissoir (just like the French to create a new word for this thing) and hope facial ID works.
The top is open to put more straw in, so ... ?
I don’t understand why nobody interviewed the people of Louisiana, who probably have several tasty traditional stews and fry-ups by now.
There is no reason whatsoever that anybody’s windshield should fog up inside
And please, for the sake of all our souls, no bits of fake sausage in it.
Oh well, that explains the car-burning. They were all stoked on fried cheese sandwiches.
Yes, I have one of those (a baby born in 1998). She is in fact 20 and also pregnant. Feel older yet?
I’m finding it hilarious that of all things, she’s promoting herself as someone with a degree in Marketing. And she thinks this is a selling point? It only means she has a degree in professional lying.
Yeah, I haven’t heard it. I’m feeling resentful just remembering it. The worst decade in music spans +/-5 years from the release of that song.
Yeah. My Scottish and Irish ancestors were ignorant fuckheads and their descendants were hillbillies. What’s not to like?
“Woody Allen” was his answer to “what does a guy who reads books look like?”
It’s LA, so it all depends on where you start from. I lived a long time in Pasadena so Twohey’s was a short trip and The Hat was just down the street.