the guy with the cat

I still remember when my dad bought his Chevy Suburban back in ‘76, with air conditioning in the front and the back. “Just what I need, a twelve thousand dollar pickup truck.”

It’s awesome, sure, but it’s no Twohey’s :(

When this guy was a child, you could get awesome cherry limeade there at Sonic. When he was in college he ate the jalapeno burgers. Then he moved away from Texas for 30 years ...

I’m pretty sure they sell bikes in Dallas, hence, people in Dallas buy bikes.

“Biased tipping”? Is that a thing now?

Double fake means it’s true!

Good job Splinter!

Then where does grating carrots in a food processor go? Are graters passe´?

This isn't a country, it's an online debate. Or masturbation.

So are you over 50? Cause you don't sound like it.

Eh. All I know is, I'm not going to fall into space by accident. So I'm cool with space.

Curtis LeMay.

Not really the same thing, obviously. Nobody is arguing that Sanders ascended bodily into Heaven. Not all assholes are racist.

I don’t get it for an ice cream store, either. Making a cone or a sundae is the same kind of work as cooking a burger at McDonalds. They couldn’t do less unless they told you to eat it out of the container with your own spoon.

Well, you know what they say about the World Cup, you get what you pay for.

It was really appalling to recognize every. single. song on that Top 20 list.

Cannabis withdrawal has a lot of anecdotal evidence within the community of ex-abusers. Of course, I know about the plural of anecdotes ...

Not as good a flopper as Ainge himself.

I’m espeically pissy

I guess I’m not sure what you responded to that felt “pathetically odd”. All I said is that I value my emotional life and so don’t try to control every single action I take. I also said that I pay attention to my feelings and then decide how I want to act. It’s a balancing act.