He got what he deserved. You have to be anonymous to be anonymous. Next time buy a separate computer and launch from star bucks. This isn't rocket science.
He got what he deserved. You have to be anonymous to be anonymous. Next time buy a separate computer and launch from star bucks. This isn't rocket science.
I, for one, embrace our new Android overlords.
One day soon Minnesota will make it back to the super bowl, and when they do, rest assured. They will lose. It's customary, Minnesota nice right?
Trade him to the Vikings. Please. Pretty please. We'll throw in ponder for good measure?
Marginally bigger, the most sought after kind of bigger.
I wish I could have had that statue.
I wish I could have had that statue.
You really got her. Must make you feel smart. We all bask in your radiant sunlight.
Dammit Google. You half bake everything and expect me to want more? Sigh... Shut up and take my money.
Giz your fearmongering about drones is repetitive.
Sometimes I need to just stop reading Jezebel. It's not that I'm not for strongly supporting women's rights, or that stuff like this doesn't outrage me, it's that there are so many depressing stories on here that it effects me. I read gawker for news, deadspin for laughs, and Jezebel to feel bad.
Pow right in the kisser. Pow right in the kisser. Pow right in the kisser. Pow right in the kisser. Pow right in the kisser. Pow right in the kisser. Pow right in the kisser. Pow right in the kisser. Family Guy has ruined this phrase for me.
Yes but at what contract price? If they did it off contract for $550 or something, that would be crazy, but on contract is on contract is on contract.
Turn to private industry they said. Drastically reduced cost they said. Yeah, if only it worked.
You people ask must have shitty relatives. Sucks to be you. Excuse me while I go back to eating Bree (Brei?), drinking wine and watching coming to America. My family kicks your family's ass. #gloating
MistaButters, I feel like I know you, like I trust you. You always have solid insights. What was your opinion of the nexus 5?
3G is 3G, HSPA+ is faster than 3G, but LTE is 4G. It's like... 3.5G? It's all I use and I like it.
But I thought mayor Bloomberg was all bad? All the cool kids drink big gulps in defiance?
Mmm... Labia jerky... -Hannibal Lecter
HSPA+. Not just 3G. Gizmodo always throws those in together.