
What’s the absolute best case scenario here? They do the same show again, but slightly better? It’s still repetitive and unnecessary. Do a sequel to Korra, do a series set in the past, why would you remake your own work? 

They put it that way because the M Night Shaymalan movie was whitewashed to hell and back.

I don’t know about consistently more funny. The Ember Island Players, Aang’s Insomnia, The Boulder, “Pants are an illusion”, “That’s rough, Buddy,” “My Cabbages!” these are just from the top of my head. I can’t think of anything that was particularly funny about Korra. I mean, I laughed, but not “My first girlfriend

They key, to me, is to capture the spirit of the show and fix some of the rough edges of the original show(mostly season 1).   What I hope they do not do is try to make it super mature and basically kill one of the reasons the show is so great.  Its really great family entertainment

I don’t understand the point. Is it a live-action shot-for-shot remake? Same stories, same characters, same plotlines? We already know how that story ends.

Yeah, some might disagree with that assessment, and I’m not necessarily talking about Billy Eichner fans.

So in this thread we have people who think Norm is a middling comedian, a shitty person, and thinks his guest appearances on a bland ass sitcom are reflective of his career as a whole. These are all takes I hate and disagree with but whatever.

It only seems like a roller coaster if you haven’t been paying attention.  With Norm, it’s like driving through North Dakota.

Can I go back to liking him again?  It’s been quite the roller coaster.  

A+ work.

What part of Norm’s career makes you think he’s ever employed anyone who would qualify as a “handler”?

I get the sense that rejecting the idea of “handlers” is kind of a big part of Norm’s worldview/appeal.

I didn’t expect to laugh out loud at any comment down here.

To that point, he says he’s “happy the #MeToo movement has slowed down a little bit...

My chief desire is to find out what the machinations of the great B.D. Wong are and the story there. Everything else is great as is, but that would really put the capper on the series for me.

Fine with this. Some shows shouldn’t go on forever and I’ve loved this show from the beginning. I get why some found seasons 2 and 3 underwhelming or not as good but I still love the journey and can’t wait to see how they wrap it up. An expanded final season to fit the story that Esmail wanted to tell is perfectly

If you don’t want to end up crying in your dressing room, stop co-starring in shitty movies with shittier prop comics. Problem solved.

I had forgotten how amazing this was.

Yeah, for me it’s in the “wish I liked it, feel I should like it, just can’t stand it” category. And I could not agree more re the Times. Maybe I’m not as alone as I thought?

And the fact that I don’t know means that I haven’t been catching up on the reviews, as I once did — which in turn makes me worry that the

I watched a couple of episodes, and they were pretty good for the most part. But the “commercials” were fucking unfunny train wrecks. It’s Alexa, but it demands meat!