conan in ireland

I found it annoying in the mid-00s when every DVD also came out as an “unrated version.” It was almost always one or two deleted scenes restored, and as good as or worse than the original.

The hero caption names the podcast “How Did This Get Made” instead of “Played.

Honestly... I love it. Disney is always seen as the soulless merchandising behemoth, and to a large extent, they are. But it’s good to know that in reality, a producer has enough sway over them to keep a secret despite a surefire holiday win.

What’s the cone head in the middle of that stack?

I feel like I’m having a hard time figuring out what this version of Watchmen is about. The comic is pretty squarely about how these so-called superheroes are just as fucked up as normal people. I don’t really see that in this version.

The problem with all these bad Onion clones is they don’t pay enough attention to the headlines. (Or they don’t care: I’m assuming they headlined this for the shock value instead of, you know, making something funny.

I’ve never heard the podcast, but I’m curious whether it’s addressed the reproducibility crisis in science research at large and psychology research in particular?

I’m not sure I agree. One thing that strikes me is that none of your cited reasons is an actual flaw of the movie.

I havne’t had Nips, but the description reminds me of Werther’s Originals, which I still think is the best hard candy ever made.

I disagree. I’d much rather have a well-paced 20 hour game than a game stretched to 40 hours. Almost no games are Witcher 3 best-of-both-worlds.

Taking the category name at face value (which I know is probably a mistake), 7empest was almost certainly the best metal performance since Bleed.

My read is that the more impossible the demand is, the more it unites them. If it ever got released, it would bomb. It’s the idea of the conspiracy (and its undertones of censorship and oppression) that they’re attracted to.

He wonders why he’s not knighted from The Office: the simple reason is if they did, they’d have to knight Ricky Gervais too, and I’d soon deknight everyone than see that happen.

OTOH I really don’t like eating cake or pie without a cold glass of milk. To each their own.

I can’t help but think that the dings against Margaret Atwood are dangerously close to the No True Scotsman fallacy. The Handmaid’s Tale (book) isn’t about marginalized groups; it’s about women. Is it really right to fault her for how she chose to focus the book? Personally, I think it’s okay to write a work about one

Tom Hanks is so nice, he turned the clocks back 6 days so you could call your mother.

Looks like “I am not a crackpot” was accidentally cropped out of your comment.

That bit got me to buy his audiobook (and back then, the only source was a CD boxset.) It was gold. He definitely does the “Did I end up doing X? You bet your ass I did X” thing several times per disc. 

Personally, I think the flavor of garlic doesn’t work with sweets. And I know this from experience, when I had an “everything bagel” marshmallow in Beacon.

There’s also this classic Onion article: