Have to agree. A coworker replaced his Touran with a Tiguan, because there is no Touran any more…
Have to agree. A coworker replaced his Touran with a Tiguan, because there is no Touran any more…
Theres a potential issue withh that that may be preventing further strict regulation without legislation. A recent federal court decision in ann unrelated case has some far reaching but not publicly known consequences. In the decision the judge decided that a regulatory body does not have the authority to redefine a…
We own the PHEV X3. It’s much better to drive than the base X3 with instant acceleration and a seamless hybrid drivetrain. We buy gas once every three months. It’s the best SUV we’ve owned.
Alternate take:
Having driven it, it's actually pretty decent. Especially for those who prefer a more "normal"ish looking EV.
I feel like writers on this site don’t really understand the difficult role Government has to play. There’s no middle ground or nuance or policy analysis.
Well... deregulation partly took place in the Reagan years, but the seminal legislation was sponsored by a Democratic senator and signed into law by Carter in ‘78 after a long gestation in the Nixon and Ford years at the behest of, among others, a Democratic economist.
I would do the same with my truck. ACC isn’t needed, but on newer cars I definitely welcome it for stop and go traffic
I don’t see you building one, turd
Because they’re expensive to develop and don’t sell in high volumes or at high profit margins?
I believe Amazon is the biggest investor but, as you said, is not the owner.
Was just about to say this. Amazon has a large investment in Rivian...they do not own them, though.
“The problem here is that you’re assuming this woman must be mentally ill because she did something that to us looks incredibly illogical and stupid.”
This is really the only thing that matters. The entire article should have focused on this one line. I would say it’s a safe bet that the ones being sold used are NOT base models, so they started with a higher price. Just a quick search shows that a Kia Telluride is a one year old vehicle starting being sold in 2020…
When I drove it it was With my wife and an infant in the back. FJ Summit 2011. We’re all 10 years older thankfully.
My friend just got GIFTED a nearly mint-condition LJ. I will kill him if he sells it to anyone but me in a few years.
I bought an e46 a few years ago, and someone had swapped the real burl wood interior trim for that shitty silver-painted plastic. Ugh. A quick trip to pick-n-pull got me the wood pieces for $30.