
Here’s a lukewarm take: This is what they should have done in the beginning. Offer decent, above average performance and decent luxury (read American) at a decent price. Not gobsmacking performance and decent luxury (and build quality (shhh.)) at gobsmacking (read German) prices.

“While Mercedes may have been late to the beastly longroof game with the E55 AMG wagon in 2005, at least it had the decency to bring it to the US market. Now that the RS 6 Avant is finally here, the E63 AMG is no longer in a class by itself. On paper, it may look like an apples-to-apples comparison, but the E63 is

No. That’s misanthropes.

It’s not fwd, it’s awd with an eLSD on the front axle.

It’s getting old. There’s no novelty left in that joke. Yes, it’s a BMW. And it wouldn’t exist any other way. Get used to cobranded sports cars, because it's the only way they make financial sense to produce 

Niel young is partway there

Don’t like the chrome strip on the Stinger that goes all the way to the rear end. Don’t like the chrome strip here either. Both kill the rear three quarter view for me.

It’s a fair question.  I ride, but I also do love Miatas.  I think the question is more appropriate for trikes, and I’ve asked that myself in that case.  Real bikes (i.e., not trikes) are simply a different beast.  You lean into corners.  You feel the wind (and no convertible comes close, unless you take the

i never thought of it that way but you are totally right. I guess its just self-image. But make a good point. 

I’ve got lots of gear, the only stuff that is uncomfortable is my rain-specific gear because I’ve got cheap stuff, so it doesn’t fit great and it doesn’t breath for shit.

This answer isn’t for everyone but I don’t fit in a Miata. 

No worries, keep asking. The fear of crashing (really injury) makes me more conservative in bike versus car (and I own a decent car), but the bike is just feels like even more freedom than a car. I recently completed 18-day 6000 mile US tour and I guarantee I would not have enjoyed it as much in a car.  “One with

So I owned a goldwing f6b which is the “sportier” version of the last generation of goldwing, bigger and heavier than what was reviewed here and I’ve driven Miatas a few things as well... Even on a big touring bike like this the ride/drive dynamic is completely different. When you are on a motorcycle you are an active

The two experiences are completely different. I’ve owned 3 Vettes, an S2000, a RX-8, and I’ve driven various Miatas. But getting on a bike is totally alien by comparison.

I have both a sport touring bike (Kawi Concours) and a Miata. You’re not wrong. Most days it’s just easier to jump in the Miata rather than gear up. 

Now I’m going against the tide here,but since I moved to coastal SoCal 12 years ago, I ride much,much,much less than I ever have. And part of it is the gear,no question. My commute is only 9 miles,but if you count gearing up/getting bike out/gearing down,putting bike away, it’s almost 10 minutes faster to drive a car.

Because seatbelts statistically prevent injuries by a wide margin. Bicycle helmets do not. When mandatory helmet laws are enacted, ridership plummets, but the percent of head injuries remains the same. So it is not at all comparable to seatbelt laws, or motorcycle helmet laws for that reason alone. Like the Monty Hall

Sadly... that’s not what happened today :(