
Depends. How much are you predisposed to dislike the accused?

I thought filming of the 5th season of AD was already well underway?

My rule of thumb with Ridley Scott films has always been that unless it’s called a “Director’s Cut” (Blade Runner, Kingdom of Heaven), those “Special Editions” (Alien, Gladiator, Black Hawk Down) aren’t what he wanted, just something he did to sell DVDs. (The Blade Runner Final Cut is an exception, though.)

Yeah, one of my favorite parts of the new trilogy is the return to lightsaber battles that are just 2 dudes wailing on each other.

Heh when I was typing that I wanted to say “laser sword” and was like, nah, he probably didn’t say that.

That’s a lot more interesting than Mark Hamill popping in to do some flips and slaughter a few storm troopers, eh?

Heh, remember when everyone kvetched about Nazis being the big bads in the final season, like that was a ridiculous thing? So young...

What on earth is Massdrop, and how on earth do you actually view the product and price?

What on earth is Massdrop, and how on earth do you actually view the product and price?


Not true. iOS dynamically throttles CPU performance based on battery age (specifically, older batteries = lower voltage = lower speed). When a new battery is popped in, those lower voltages are fixed, and speeds increase. Many people have replaced their batteries and confirmed this improvement.

Well, I guess I’m an idiot, cuz when I first saw this it took about halfway through for me to realize it was fictional. So most if it was shaded by my bafflement of “why did she write this? why am I reading this?”

As someone with a cold black heart who thinks this is stupid as hell, that was very satisfying.

Kesha, motherfuckers.

*they don’t know either

What killed the dinosaurs?

I kinda like the notification-style controls too, but I wish they’d keep the larger cover art while there aren’t other notifications.

Jesus Christ, Hollywood, you’re taking the Sean Spicer redemption tour way too far.

Kirkman makes clear: “There are rumors out there that Louis takes his dick out at women.

Indeed, like most people, he has some opinions I disagree with, which thus discounts all of his other opinions.

What the shit is this pickup artist-style crap you’re trying to recommend? Why does every “good spouse” suggestion involve treating her like a child, lying to her, and trying to trick her in the right direction? Treat her like a goddamn adult and give your honest opinion.