
While at first I thought it looked kinda dumb, what appears to be him recapping his Civil War involvement through a series of Snapchats or whatever actually looks pretty fun.

Whatever sympathy this podcast was trying to gin up for the townspeople completely evaporated for me when the K3 lumber guy answered the KKK question by gloating about defeating the left-wing and electing Trump. (Not to mention the way they side-stepped John B.'s misogyny.) I was like, oh yeah, most of the charming

Oh god, I loved that guy. It's like getting a bullet in the brain instantly turned him into a hype-man 24/7.

My favorite part of the first one was how during the big climax they took the strong female character and literally sent her to space.

The Mary Sue criticism is well earned.

Even Darth Hitler didn't use red dust against Imperial Walkers.

I'm not as opposed to handful-of-episodes pre-season reviews as most, but it seems strange to knock the show for how it *might* get derailed by the involvement of Gus.

Writing your own acclaimed series is a pretty diabolical way of getting free vacations. Maybe at the end of this season he'll decide what he *really* wants is to be a supermodel photographer in St. Croix.

I was always a little curious if they turned it down more because they thought accepting it would've broken the whole game, and didn't want to do that to Griffin. Meanwhile, there's Griffin, all "c'mon guys! go for it! I'm ready!"

I was kinda blown away by the revelation that Griffin had whole alternate storylines for Magnus he had to throw away. I'd looooove for them to record some donors-only "deleted scenes" episodes of them playing out those scenarios.

Blockbusters seem to be going through a nice little course-correction in that regard. In addition to Beyond, the last 3 MCU movies (Strange, Civil War, Antman) and Deadpool had much lower-scale conflict. Hopefully we'll have recovered a bit for Infinity War.

Huh, interesting. Maybe it's just the cut of this trailer, but this seems to fall more on the farcical comedy side of the Coen scale than the previous seasons.

Pro tip: you can actually avoid the Newark toll by just detouring through Newark itself. But yeah, not a fun drive when it's busy.

Maybe that's the golden lining to this whole thing. Trump's nomination itself wasn't enough to destroy the Republican party, but maybe Trump's actual presidency will be, when everyone finally sees what it's like when they govern with basically carte blanche.

Hoo boy, I'm the opposite. Last time I Amtrak'd, I realized, "dang, I coulda just rented a car and drove here faster and cheaper."

Hm, bummer, but guess it's not a game that especially calls for high-res stuff, anyway.

Hm, I played a good bit of it on PC when it first came out, but got distracted and never picked it up again. Didn't realize its PS4 release was already out, so may have to check that out…

Hoo boy, yeah, I'm real conflicted on if I'm gonna play this one. Esp since it's like 100+ hours long.

Hm, must be having an off day.

This episode seemed to make a point of reminding us of two unexplained things from Chapter 1: the guy in the wall-garden, and Syd entering David's room without us seeing her come in. The show has done a pretty good job of establishing its "rules" of reality with respect to David's powers, but those are two things that