
Finishing up my Half-Life 2 (re)play with my (first) play through of Episode 2. Tons of fun. After that I'll probably do a GPU upgrade and play Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (which I got for super cheap on Black Friday thanks to a price mistake).

Steam gift card?

My running really fell apart the last few months, partially due to injuries, and partially due to the end of the rowing season. So the last couple weeks I've been trying to get back into it, and it's like the worst time of year to do it, having it be dark and dreary when I get home from work. Also, my hamstring

Down, clown, etc.

I really really wish the press would just completely turn on him. Like, editorial staff making open calls to have the Electoral College vote for Clinton, that sort of thing. Alas, he's too good for business.

No, everyone who says he did is wrong, and I'm 100% certain of that.

@avclub-78d66e7514954eb0c2a6a7067a792d66:disqus's not on board.

The show this final season reminds me of, oddly, is Eastbound and Down, another show where it continued past what could've been a logical conclusion to show us "what's next". I think I'm enjoying this season more than others in that context, because it's showing us what happens to these people when that conflict is

Depressed that the Culture Wars are officially over, and we lost. There are more people who are bigoted or just don't give a damn about other people or facts. We thought more of them would die out, but it's not happening, nothing's changing. Germany has progressed more in the past 70 years than the US.

Man, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills, because I absolutely don't believe that he was actually looking at child porn. I never doubted that he would do all those things because he's an awkward teenager who has a crush on his boss and gets bullied by his older coworkers and doesn't want a video of him jerking it

Also the pilot season of Seinfeld was its worst.

To me that felt like a really ham-handed reference to the Michael Brown shooting.

I love me some Dollhouse, but as good as season 2 was, it was always a little disappointing for never quite living up to the promise of Epitaph One. I was really hoping for a season-long arc tracing the descent into that dystopia. Instead it just did it's own (really good) thing, followed by an awkward time jump.

Extra worth it for Enver Gjokaj's Fran Kranz (which is also the name of my band).

Came here to suggest this very recasting. Woulda been so great. (I mean, Dushku was "fine", but still.)

Angel Season 5

This is pretty cool, but I don't really like reading on a tablet, so I probably won't in pulp either.

Also, I feel bad saying it, but I don't really like Jon Batiste. He just seems really bad at the banter, like how Conan would always jokingly just stare at Max, but for real. And also an uncomfortable bit of "agreeable subservient black man".

I remember when his show was in development, he talked about putting some sort of spin or twist on the traditional format. And that hasn't really been the case at all. It's the same old monologue-desk-interview-interview-music format, just with a host I like a little more. That doesn't quite make it required

Angel Season 5