
Thanks to a 4-day weekend I ran for 4 days straight for the first time in I don't know how long, about 18 total miles which I felt pretty good about.

Apple/Tech Thread

Man you were right about Jake. He looks like he has the best job in the world. There was one shot they showed on the big screen where Bruce was playing harmonica and Jake was in the background watching him with this huge beaming smile, like he couldn't believe how awesome it was.

"Unfortunately"?? Get outta here.

Not for Bruce, no — only time I've ever seen him was at Giants Stadium's upper decks in the early aughts. Pretty stoked!

I'm seeing him tonight, with standing-room tickets in the pit. Gonna hafta change into some comfy shoes…

I did a Spartan run over the weekend (one of those mud run/obstacle course type things) which was more fun than I expected. I run a lot but have no upper-body strength, so was happy with being able to complete most of the obstacles. What really knocked me out was having to go under barbed wire, where I tried rolling

What self-respecting hacker who has a Nexus ostensibly to get the latest security updates doesn't patch Stagefright asap?

This sorta reminds me of that Kimmel Back to the Future sketch with Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd, where the nostalgic fun of having them together again is somewhat offset by how old they are.

Angel Season 5

Enough to think that it was kinda funny but mostly squandered its talent and promise.

Stewart continued by explaining that even though its run was cut short, the series will have a lasting legacy as the team that worked on it moves on to new ventures.

Every few months I felt like I did the same thing where I'd start reading about how good it was, set my DVR to record it again, but only make it about 5 minutes through an episode before giving up again. Somewhere in there is probably a good show, but it was buried beneath a thick layer of college-improv-show

If you really think upper-management in government should have a firm grasp on IT policy then I have a bridge in Alaska I'd like to sell you.

True, but it's a pretty big leap from "ignorant mismanagement of classified e-mail" to "throw her in jail!". And that's not even getting into the Benghazi nonsense.

*ding ding ding ding* Correct!

As Samantha Bee put it, the fact that *this* is what it takes for a woman as qualified as Hillary to become president is just fucked up. The fact that there's such strong anti-Hillary rhetoric to make it this close is also fucked up. It all comes back around to those "she should be in jail!" non-scandals which have

Sounds like some guy whose name you think is Croc is gonna get his ass kicked.

3. He was able to March in the parade for Commissioner Gordon, after Gordon's "death", so well that none of the other cops noticed anything. (he's in the middle of the police marching. He doesn't have makeup in this scene).

Don't you read the paper??