
Sounds like some guy whose name you think is Croc is gonna get his ass kicked.

3. He was able to March in the parade for Commissioner Gordon, after Gordon's "death", so well that none of the other cops noticed anything. (he's in the middle of the police marching. He doesn't have makeup in this scene).

Don't you read the paper??

Yes. Next question.

Cliff Secord has vanished. In his absence, the sinister THIRD REICH has risen from the ashes of the Nazis and will not rest until Secord, the last Rocketeer, has been destroyed.

Plus both actors have aged so well in the intervening 25 years that they could plausibly play 6 year older versions of those characters.

Right… "bus"…

Marathon training?

Definitely too long by like an hour, but god damn those action scenes. God damn.

Listening to The Adventure Zone from the start. I used to find the McElroys very annoying, but for some reason I've come around to really liking them. It's really damn funny and entertaining for someone who's never really played D&D before.

I've taken up rowing (aka crew) this summer with a local club, as a sort of unintentional tribute to my late father (he was not actually a rower, long story). It's really really fun, a good aerobic workout, challenging, and a nice way to enjoy the weather. Maybe the first time I've had this sort of "extracurricular"

I've heard of a few people recently voting for Trump, who are not avowed racists. I think there's just a big segment of people who just want a Republican in office and don't give a shit about social issues or what it will represent.

Angel Season 5
Episode 5 - “Life of the Party”
A very fun Lorne-centric episode. Lorne is the best. And Angel has casual sex? I guess it can be argued that doesn’t break the curse, but it’s the first time they’ve randomly thrown that out there.

Oh he'll probably another EXTREMIS experiment (remember those?).

Cool. I was on Twitter yesterday too.

Plus he seemed a little drunk to boot! Can't say I blame him.

Ooh I haven't actually played the Episodes, but I'll probably get to them next.

Just got through there, thank god.

It's definitely more sci-fi action-y than the TV shows (as far as I remember), but I don't care enough about being "pure" to the shows and mostly just like the fun blockbuster qualities. I'm also a big Into Darkness fan, because it's just really dang fun, Cumberbatch is great, and the fact that he's Khan is stupid

You all shut your whore mouths!