
Just came here to see if anyone else remembered that. IIRC, it was like a multiverse thing where the cartoon Spidey met the alternate comic Spideys from other universes, but then one universe was ours where Spidey was just a comic written by Stan Lee who was all excited to meet a real Spider-Man.

Yeah, I'm not buying that. After a season in which Cersei has become so ostracized from her own son, a picture of her sitting on the throne while wearing a crown has some pretty huge implications, and I definitely wouldn't want to see it before watching the episode.

Like anyone would want to R her.

Angel Season 5

Misunderstood by himself, but still.

Greetings from the future. Yes, it's even more scary now.

I feel like Netflix and Prime actively monitor what I'm getting from Netflix DVD and Redbox, see that I've had something sitting around for a month unwatched, and wait til after I've finally watched it and sent it back to add it to streaming. (see: The Big Short)

Hoo boy, I don't know if I could take a whole movie of Han Solo with a barely-concealed British accent.

Ere I were Ibis Elba.

I'd say yes. I'm pretty on-board with the backlash-backlash that came around last year. The story and characters aren't particularly memorable, but the world and effects are pretty outstanding. I still believe that if it had been billed as "Pocahontas story in space", it wouldn't have gotten such a backlash.

Nope, choose one. You can't like both.


It's been a small consolation that its sequel and other sequels no one asked for (Turtles 2) have tanked at the box office.

It still boggles my mind that Avatar made 2 billion dollars in the international market alone. Whahow??

You're not getting out of the restraining order that easily, bud.

Forget it, Frosstbyte. It's Internettown.

Correction: FREE blood!

[smash cut to] "We're Russkies on the moon / We carry a harpoon…"

The swing from "eh this will be boring" to "fascinating" was pretty quick when the composer was on last episode. Damn if that doesn't sound cool.