Lotsa TV…
Lotsa TV…
There was maybe a couple episodes they could've cut out, but it was nowhere near Daredevil, which shoulda been 8 episodes max. Plus I liked JJ's characters a lot more, so was more willing to put up with that.
The Boys in the Boat, about the gold medal-winning 1936 Washington rowing team. Mostly because my dad kept bugging me to read it, and I didn't have anything else to read. Pretty interesting so far, though.
It's generally well made, and the cast is mostly good. I don't really like the general form it's taking, and think following Julia alongside Quentin takes too much away from the Brakebills stuff. But it does enough right that I'll be hopeful.
Similar in name only. He's a sexy psychic dude.
Actually last night I moved onto China and like immediately found a vendor selling the pistol silencer. PEW PEW PEW!
Ah, see I didn't choose the "no-kill" option for the first mission and got the pistol, so I bet that's why. I've picked up a sniper rifle in the 3rd or 4th mission, but no silencer. :(
I think I read somewhere that they did fix that in the DC. I'm not going for a no-kill approach, but I don't want to shoot one guy then have like 30 more rush into the room after me.
Still fairly early in Deus Ex: HR, but I'm having the same feeling as I did with Dishonored, where I want to play the game stealthily, but none of the upgrades really appeal to me for that play-style. (I also really want to stealthily snipe people, but the game has dropped neither a silencer nor a tranq gun, so it's…
Same, but eyebrows.
Some other bloopers I noticed:
- Pretty sure Sandy was supposed to bump into Frenchy in the opening scene, causing her to drop her things, but completely missed her cue and came running in late
- The audible TEAR sound when Keke switched from PJs to USO dress
- All the other audio problems: barely audible vocals, the…
So is this just like a limited/miniseries? Is that how Rob Lowe is in this and The Grinder?
I actually did legitimately wonder if Quentin would get kicked out and they'd just jump ahead to the him-and-Julia-in-the-real-world stuff from book 2.
While I loved the 2nd and 3rd books, I thought the first was only okay. So it's odd that I feel so defensive about how it's adapted, and not yet really on board with the things they've changed.
To stop one of the “largest-scale terror attacks on American soil,”
No… no… this theory is dumb.
Yeah Disqus is really killing me today. Usually it's usable if I just load the page towards the beginning, and load new comments as they pop up. But I clicked "reply" on one, and it navigated me away. Then I clicked on someone's link, and it navigated me away instead of opening in a new tab like it SHOULD dammit. …
About 2/3rds through Buffy S7/Angel S4, which are not-great at this point, but with a few bright spots. (Connor is the goddamned worst though.)
Oh you're right, I read too quickly.
The Rising Tide DLC comes with the Humble Bundle… is the expansion something different?