Keep meaning to do that, but I can never find time. (Meanwhile I somehow find 10 hours to watch all of Jessica Jones in less than a week.)
Keep meaning to do that, but I can never find time. (Meanwhile I somehow find 10 hours to watch all of Jessica Jones in less than a week.)
Gonna finish up Jessica Jones today, cuz there's no way I'll have a chance when I'm around my dumb family this weekend.
That DE I-95 one is ridiculous cuz it's just a cover charge to get in the state. You can actually get around it, too, by getting off and on at the exits surrounding it.
Would you two stop saying "mummy" so much?
When I recently rewatched Age of Ultron, I noticed at the end, when Cap is addressing the new Avengers, Scarlet Witch flies into frame, and I was like, "wait, she can fly?", since she hadn't done so previously. Turns out that shot was originally supposed to be Captain Marvel flying in, but they decided not to…
[adds @Eat_Up_Martha:disqus to terror watch list, just in case]
Man, between this and Apartment 3G, it's really a banner day for comic strips being thought about by anyone.
I think Trish is the biggest standout surprise of the show for me. Between the promos and what we saw of her in the first episode, I was expecting the "childhood friend who's gotten way more successful" to be a fairly uninteresting dead-end, something where Jessica would have to keep saving her, proving to her why…
Wait, so, wasn't the point of the anesthetic that his brain then couldn't control people? So why was neighbor lady still going through with the suicide bombing?
I guess that's a good point. But in a show that's done a brilliant job of tying all the characters and plot threads into the central conflict, it's distracting to have this one just hanging out there loose somewhere. Hopefully they tie it in better, because right now it mostly seems there to give Carrie-Anne Moss…
I'm not familiar with the comics — is he super-strong too, or is it just that his "unbreakable" quality allows him to be unusually but realistically strong (like Nolan's Bane)?
I figured it was also because he knew Jessica was tracking down people whose lives he'd fucked up with his power, and figured using it to buy the house would be a huge red flag. (Though his later "get out" made me laugh. I'm kinda worried in general about how much Kilgrave makes me laugh.)
Excellent episode. Glad they didn't drag out her confession to Luke too long, but from the way he reacted you 100% understand why she didn't want to tell him.
Re: Jessica's differences pre- and post-Kilgrave, I actually like that she's basically the same person. At least in the established timeline of the show, it makes more sense that she wouldn't have changed enormously in the year since his "death". Contrast that with Veronica Mars, where the pre-Lilly Kane flashbacks…
I think… you might need to retake that anatomy class.
I assume all the "lightness" was just in the cutting of the ad, cuz wow is ABC bad at making ads for their Marvel shows.
Yeah it really just makes me want to re-read Snow Crash. And no, author, acknowledging the existence of Neal Stephenson in your universe doesn't make it any less of a rip-off.
2. Which ugggghhhh is so big, jfc. I think I even got through year 2 when I played it originally but have zero memory of the game at this point, so that won't help.
Grim Fandango Remastered for the PS4. I'm terrible at these kind of puzzles and have to cheat a lot, but it's still really fun to go through.
Used to say Phantom, but now I think RLM has turned me around to saying Clones. It's got higher highs but much lower lows, so averages out slightly worse.