
Oh yeah, fuck my dentist too. I'm goddamn obsessive about cleaning my teeth, and they keep coming up with bullshit $800 things they want me to do of questionable necessity, most recently a crown for a tooth which is perfectly fine right now.

I got my first-ever Copyright Infringement notice from Verizon, citing a download from this season of Community. Mostly I found it curious that someone is even policing downloads of Community — the torrent I downloaded literally had 2 seeds. I rarely torrent these days, but the Yahoo Screen apps are shit, and

Hold on lemme find the address for… ;)

RIP Hannibal, you were a beautiful nightmare.

The entire season will be like that It's Always Sunny episode where it seemed like Dee was succeeding at stand-up, but it turns out everyone was screwing with her.

I think the extent of his deception to Jack was that he got the idea from Dolarhyde. Beyond that, I don't think they were in any communication.

…in the Sea of Japan.

Whenever I hear this song, I imagine he's singing "illuminate the nose on their vacancy signs", and picture a "VACANCY" sign on a hotel with a neon nose lighting up on it.

U2 Talkin' 2 Me?

Agreed that the riffs in Presence are great, but Plant's voice sorta sounds like hell. It seemed to rebound a bit for the next album, in addition to doing some fairly weird and fun songs.

Just got Led Zeppelin's recently-reissued Presence and In Through the Out Door, which, while a big fan of Zep, I'd never actually listened to. Presence is mostly just okay, but the ITtOD is kind of secretly great. Not among their best, but still filled with excellent songs.

I'm on a long hiatus from my first watch-through of Buffy/Angel, last seeing Angel S3. That was a dang good season.

A man is walking down the street and out of nowhere gets struck by a giant salami. When he gets to the ER, the doctor tells him there's nothing they can do for him because he's already been cured.

Hm, looks like that limited edition with the car just contains Fury Road, and is Europe-only. Dang, got my hopes up!

Hm, actually I thought the snow storm was something that corroborated both Asia's and his track coach's alibis for him.

Huh, didn't realize they were a couple.

From my vague memory that statement by her was 90% the prosecutor anyway, barely even an official statement, which she just sorta signed off on at his behest, not really knowing anything about it. So really she sounded more like an idiot, but not an idiot with any particular malicious intent.

The wanton destruction of Batman in those Nolan movies always cracks me up. Especially in TDK, where he's racing through the underground tunnels/mall on his motorcycle, machine-gunning and blowing up everything that's in his way.

It's on my long-ass list of games to play, just as soon as I've learned how to clone myself.