
I'm reading Hell or Richmond, a semi-fictionalized narrative about the bloody Richmond campaign during the Civil War. It's the author's follow-up to Cain at Gettysburg, a novel which rivals The Killer Angels, and is terrifically written, if you like historical fiction.

I'm seeing Sufjan in May and Decemberists (for probably 6th or 7th time) in June. Might also see Belle and Sebastian in June as well.

No one knows how he got it, and danged if he knows how to use it!

"As a proud longtime citizen of… [glances at sign] Yield Ahead, no wait, Pottsburgh…"

I think the plural is Illini.

That's right, I forgot how Paula Deen and Chick-fil-a are in the poorhouse now because of the boycotts of their goods.

He's probably be fine with the principle that businesses should be allowed to do whatever they want, though.

Your free-market optimism seems to be forgetting one key fact: jackasses don't learn their lesson.

I have to say I'm pretty amazed to learn that's his stepfather on the album cover, cuz when I saw it I thought it looks so much like Sufjan.

I'll also vote for "The Predatory Wasp of the Palisades Is Out to Get Us!" as my favorite, but "CPD" isn't far behind.

I really really like a few of the songs on Codes and Keys, but enough of it is sort of forgettable that I never really listen to it anymore. I've only listened to the new album once, but having listened to Transatlanticism shortly before it, I found it to be much a much closer sound to that album than I was expecting.

Jiminy Jillickers!

I'm gonna cheat a little and combine my movie-watching from the last two weekends…

Yeah but then Boyd killed the judge and Bernard from Lost and most everybody to make those charges go away. Then as she was about to be released the guard thing happened to keep her in jail.

I few years ago I went to see the Avett Brothers, who I'm a big fan of, open for Drive-By Truckers, who I kinda like. Apparently a lot of the audience was in the same situation, because it was a super high energy crowd for the Avetts, and then what seemed like half of it emptied out when DBT came on. I stuck around

Okay, AUSA Vazquez, for the millionth time… WHAT SENTENCE? There was no trial! Maybe it would be a realistic threat if the guard recanting was just a cover story, but it was established this season that he ACTUALLY RECANTED. I keep waiting for Raylan to say to Ava, "actually, Jonathan from Buffy recanted his story,

4, actually. I don't think we've seen a streak like that since the final season of The Shield, back in the days when TV Club was young, grades were untamed, and even the stray A+ could be found in the wild, before they were made extinct by The Doom. At least, until the prophecy is fulfilled…

Huh, you know, come to think of it, acronyms like TIE don't really make sense in the Star Wars universe. They don't use the English alphabet, right?

I skimmed her article, and it seems perfectly fine, not anything preachy or objectionable, but not exactly in my wheelhouse. That whole site leaves me feeling pretty icky, though, from the "no such thing as secular" tagline to every article trying really hard to look at everything from a Christian angle.

I find it amusing that people think she'd have to get herself emancipated to be in her current position. As if the people in this backwater shitburg give a damn about a 16 year old girl with a lot of money driving around and buying up property. Why should Big Government get to say who's too young to start a marijuana