
I almost miss the days of receiving rage infused voice messages over Xbox Live from when my friends and I used to play Modern Warfare 2. It's not very mature, but listening to the sputtering fury of players (these individuals were all hard men in real life and definitely had cousins who were marines, so I was told)

After the game's peak popularity petered off, Left 4 Dead developed one of the most astoundingly terrible online communities out there as far as bossy and kick-happy (yet somehow also not even very good most of the time) players, so don't let that dissuade you from enjoying other multiplayer experiences.

I've mercifully found that on whole, and I try to contribute to this general atmosphere, players are willing to mix and max positions as required and except in rare circumstances in which the team has decided to forgo victory in exchange for pure absurdity (a full team of Symmetras, well why not!) there's generally

Symmetra's effectiveness actually benefits a lot from not many people playing her, even with the kill-cam function players on the opposing team (or one's own in some unfortunate cases) often seem to go on for minutes at time blithely unaware that the reason they keep dying in that doorway is because those little ball

CA definitely did a great job this go around making all the major factions really feel distinct on a mechanical level both on the campaign map and battlefield alike, and they definitely seemed to have learned their lesson on optimization as the game runs pretty great for me out of the box.

As far as using her well, I've certainly found that D.Va's one of the weirder tanks and requiring of a more careful playstyle than the others because if you don't take full advantage of her abilities she's actually kind of squishy when stuck in the thick of things. Her self-destruct special is damn near invaluable as

Counterpoint: I work two shitty jobs!

I'd probably argue it's simply a matter of limited effort or talent being put into making such movies. Even something like Fury Road, there's nothing inherently intelligent or interesting at this stage of the game about "post-apocalyptic demolition derby" or really the foundations of the majority of popular action or

Yes, I might look look askance at one whose safe space is filled with cold blooded murder.

As far as games are concerned, this weekend will mostly be spent running through some of the myriad story options of Way of the Samurai 3, the port of which was released on PC this past Wednesday.

The Ankara bombing was on the front page of everywhere from the NYT to Fox News for two or three days, the conception that it was ignored by Western media doesn't really line up to my own observations. I'll grant that they don't garner the same sort of continuous coverage that this Brussels attack or the Paris ones

Washington, Washington, Six Feet Tall, Fuckin' Killin' for fun.
Spread, Spread, the Delaware, He's Coming, He's Coming, He's Coming.

Just imagine if Great Job Internet was an entire site!

It's a rare day I meet another person who kind of enjoyed the altogether unfortunately named Driv3r. The game had a fairly substantial boatload of flaws but the refreshingly international locations were pretty gorgeous for its day and a good bit less stylized than GTA and its ilk.

Their next video suggests, dear class, that books are not mere stories but sometimes include "themes" and "symbols" that represent wider ideas! A revelation if there ever was.


I adored the game but never really found myself particularly impressed with RDR's narrative. It just sort of felt like The Wild Bunch punched up with a bit of not particularly nuanced Libertarianism 101, hell you even go down at the end fending off federal agents from your homestead.

In my somewhat scant time off of late I've been playing lots of Order of Battle: Pacific, a thoroughly enjoyable turn-based WW2 strategy game in that altogether overlooked of theaters.

I spontaneously broke into a fit of laughter when I scrolled past the song titled "White Privilege II" so, yeah I think he'd do well to maybe relax a little.

I've always loved base-building and customization options in RPGs, but a lot of recent titles tend to vastly overemphasize the resource collection and crafting components of abode construction, making it an exhausting exercise in tedium instead of something fun to do on the side.