
In 2041, post-ironic, nostalgia tinged Radio Shack chic will be king.

Tinder hasn't been really been a hookup app for a long time, once it hit the mainstream some years ago you saw the overwhelming majority of people shift over to using it as a regular dating with just less words on a profile and that's how the entirety of my time on it has been.

This post couldn't line up better with the fact that I'm playing Yakuza 0 right now, a game which manages to engage the hell out of me with its violent, high stakes organized crime story-line and memorably fleshed out central characters and then send me on a preposterous side mission where I do something like teach

Color is for children, Power Rangers is for Adults.

Crafting systems are absolutely intolerable, the creation aspect can be fun but tracking down and/or grinding for resources is the most tedious filler nonsense. As with 'survival elements', crafting is one of those buzzword ideas that every game seems to now want to implement but only a handful know how to do in a way

I was incredibly mystified when I watched one of the reviews that mentioned that the only two new sentient races are the above pictured Stretch Armstrong Twi'leks and the Skullhead McBadguys that you begin shooting in the face mere minutes into the game.

Bro, bro. What if we're the robots carrying out unfathomable and pointless missions in bad/mediocre games?

The feeling of momentum when you're on a good attacking team in Operations mode in BF1 is outstanding, and I've had some tremendous matches in the past few days, particularly on Kaiserschlacht, wherein the team really came together and kept the ball rolling all the way to victory even as we were routinely down to one

Part of this is also Seagal reinventing himself as a bizarro, incredibly amusing Eastern European/Central Asian mascot creature.

You know he's a genius because he calmly flips his rubix cube without looking ya'll. Now that's filmmaking.

In some respects I think the fact that NMS is less of an environmental diorama than it could be is part of the game's fundamental problem.

In a fit of boredom a few weeks my friends and I turned on one of Seagal's recent direct to video clunkers in the hopes of dragging a few laughs out of it, and though we were largely, if unsurprisingly, disappointed that it was simply dull but that being said the final scene made it all worth watching.


This is sort of like MLA's question but in reverse. Namely, a while back I went on two dates with one of my tinder matches, really smart, interesting person, and we have had and continue to have some really sly, enjoyable text conversations on and off on the regular.

I'm in total agreement with 99% of your post, but my one caveat would be that I see too many folks who should know better give a free pass to absolute assholes who "are on the right side" and/or "have their heart in the right place."

It can be two things!

HOI 4 is definitely immeasurably easier to learn than its often-impenetrable predecessor, if you even managed to vaguely know what was happening in 3/Darkest Hour you'll grasp the core elements of the newest entry easily. It's got some wonky elements that need to be worked out but the learning curve surprisingly isn't

Refn is one of those directors who I desperately wish would just hand all the writing and story duties to others. He's an extremely talented craftsman but the neon-tinged 80s aesthetic and placidly paced drama punctuated by periodic 'shocking' ultra-violence combo has grown predictable and dull.

I'm a rare person who pretty well unequivocally loved playing L.A Noire despite its many faults, but the whole homicide desk is definitely a drag. Namely because the 'twist' is so obviously telegraphed from the very start of the first case that it makes playing through the rest an exercise in pure frustration since

It's not actually by the same developer so it's hard to really gauge how many of the (admirable but flawed) second game's design problems will carry over.