
Me and my waifu.

Tumblr batshittery spilling over into the real world is 110% a real thing, but the particulars of said letter and its hefty chain of coincidences set off every one of my bullshit alarms.

"It's not sex if she's not moving!"

Abort Abort Abort.

I'll be carrying on with my Cordoban Umayyad campaign in the Age of Charlemagne DLC for Attila: Total War.

The flashbacks of accidentally getting just a tiny bit of shampoo up my dick are all rushing back.

This was my big problem with Abed's development as well. In the early seasons he's pretty much just a normal guy with some nerdy and socially awkward characteristics.

I've generally held that S3 both has several of the best episodes the show has ever did, but also a number of the worst of the 'original' seasons. Namely translating into ones that I skip over if I'm rewatching the show.

A young person in their 20s wanting to have multiple sex partners? Well I never!

I was involved with a student organization in undergrad that followed Libya and Syria in particular in regards to the Arab Spring and so I was responsible for gathering lots of ongoing news stories to send down the chain.

Yeah I wish I knew. Like I said, maybe I'm being naive, ultimately I just want true justice under the law for everybody? Is that achievable I don't know, but at least an ideal to strive for.

I don't think you're betraying your politics, this sort of 'current understanding' makes me a little frustrated and uncomfortable honestly.

I think when most people discuss their preferences they're actually describing an ideal, and I absolutely do this too when people ask.

It doesn't help that like with many other YA adaptions, the producers clearly said "eh, do the special effects with $20, we're sure those youths will still see it anyway I guess".

On the singleplayer side of thing's I'll be continuing along with Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain and hybrid turn-based/RTS strategy title Nobunaga's Ambition: Sphere of Influence.

Who's on first?

Star Trek: Beyond the Bed Bath

For what it's worth, they included a number characters in the most recent DLC hailing from a fictional Middle East analogue. Some as friends, and some as foes.

Putting aside the relevant discussions seen above regarding differing lifestyles, potential power imbalances and maturity gaps, on a logistical level it's just kind of tedious to not be able to bring your significant other to a bar whether it just be the two of you or out with friends.

That operation also had the added benefit of actually being important. Interesting and amusing though Maskelyne's tales are, his actual impact on the war effort fell somewhere in the range of non-existent.