
Older level designs definitely had a taste for the inexplicable. Why does this door lead to a small 10x10 foot wide bottomless pit with neverending stacks of boxes? Who knows my Jedi friend, who knows.

This weekend I'll be continuing to dig into the PC port of Way of the Samurai 4, a game that is completely and endearingly committed to its particular brand of bonkers storytelling and open-world silliness.

I don't know, there was a very enjoyable PS2 title, War of the Monsters, that used this same basic concept and made something pretty great out of it.

Funnily enough, there's actually an Easter egg ending which plays out almost exactly as described.

Obviously it's good for kids to watch and enjoy reasonably intelligent films for their age group and it's healthy to encourage them to seek that sort of stuff out, but it does sort of seem like there's a weird internet-culture obsession sometimes with what are perceived to be 'smart' children's film and television.

I've put it where it belongs, in the capable hands of top men.

White Album 2 is a good one, I've only so much tolerance for certain tear-jerking cliches of the medium but the human fallibility of Album's cast felt distinctive and properly earned.

But that's a recipe for a long struggle followed by failure, a company based out of Ulan Bator however…..

Oof, condolences sir.

I should really give Zeonic Front another go one of these days, its Rainbow Six with mecha concept was a neat and refreshing change of pace from the genre norm but it could really be punishingly (and sometimes arbitrarily) difficult during its latter half.

I think a lot of older people feel that if they retire too early they'll just sit around doing nothing all the time and end up wasting away.

I've always found it so bizarre how completely benign things have become established tropes of the conspiracy 'mythology' if you will.

The GMO/Monsanto thing sort of transcends left-right and unites crackpot fringe elements of every stripe.

Those people die of natural causes, old age or the expected hazards of simply existing in the world though. We anticipate these as normal and have means of emotionally dealing with them.

That's most hardcore ones really, there's very little internal logic to any of this stuff because any contradiction just becomes 'part of the conspiracy' in some way or another.

Yeah that latter guy was really the most horrifying figure in the film to me.

Having watched the first season I can say that it is, without question, a show.

This weekend I watched CĂ©line Sciamma's Girlhood. This is a film that in different hands could have easily been preachy or overly dour alternatively, but finds a great degree of success through pursuing a more naturalistic approach.

Their love was too strong for this world.