
"And Everything Else"

I'll go to bat for that one being slightly underrated, it's not a great game but it has some solid missions and ideas and a good soundtrack.

I used to watch and enjoy Olbermann a good deal in high school for that reason, the man could put together some very cathartic, eloquent expressions of the folly of Iraq and wider frustrations of the Bush era.

Gettysburg is basically the platonic ideal of the grognard war picture, with nary a extraneous subplot to found. It's 95% tactics and maneuvering, understanding the lay of the land and the physical relation of all the moving pieces to each-other, and really is all the better for it.

This weekend I watched Inglorious Basterds for the first time since originally seeing it, and as with the first go around it's a film I like quite a bit but have just enough issues with to not quite fall in love with.

I'm assuming you're referencing the giant tank in the desert mission. It's by far the most irritating and unfair mission in the game and not one whose difficulty level or design problems are ever repeated in the rest of the game, thankfully.

"Your daddy won't even give a man a proper duel? We're done honey! 23-skidoo!"

Broadly speaking, even movies I thoroughly enjoy I basically watch po-faced. But Fury Road was so damn fun I had a big, dumb grin through almost the entire movie, it takes a damn fine picture to do that.

Does Irrational Man do anything interesting with its tired premise? Despite the talented cast I found the trailer for it I saw before Fury Road to be just awful.

This week has effectively wrapped up the spring anime season, and it's been a solid though not exceptional one on whole.

This is a bit of a tangent but, going off your middle paragraph, one thing I found really interesting and well-managed in New Order was the manner in which it made some of the random Nazi troops both human and reprehensible simultaneously.

New Order is easily one of the best single-player focused FPS games made in years.

Yeah, although I like the series a lot this was one of my concerns going into Witcher 3 and I'm glad ultimately that there are still many instances where doing the right thing is just doing the right thing, but just enough of the other kind to make you stop and consider your options a bit.

When are you going to put down that controller and give me a grandson Dr. FlimFlam?

Yeah you've articulated one of my favorite things about the game's setting here, there's a certain naturalism to much of the terrain that I really adored.

"I can't write with any real authority about Inside Out, because
I haven't see the movie, but I'm pretty much 100% positive that seeing
the movie isn't required to make this judgment. Because here's the thing
about movies: They are made of pictures."

To be fair, the 'rules' for unbuttoning while you're seated are mostly just there to ease the strain on the buttons because it places them at an awkward angle, and will cause the string to weaken and break at an accelerated pace if done routinely.

I had initially assumed that The Borgias was going to be a rather silly Tudors style 'sexy history' show and couldn't have been more pleased that it turned out to be pretty wonderful (thanks DRC!) instead.

This weekend I watched South Korean monster movie The Host. The film is a peculiar and unique but altogether quite effective melange of comedy, grand-scale disaster, political satire and interpersonal family drama.

It could be a great multitude of things of course, but regular crashes across multiple games does line up with my general experience with gradual hard-drive failures.