
Yeah it's a rather boneheaded article. The title's multiple endings indulge in a lot of silliness and don't set out to explicitly punish the player for their choices, but nevertheless the fundamental subtext of the main fantasy conclusions is that they're built on a lie, a delusion.

Who knew they contracted Rob Liefeld for Fire Emblem.

I want to get to level 60 but also work on the new machinist job and…oh god where has all the time gone.

While Call of Duty's campaigns might be hammy and linear, playing the abysmal Battlefield 3 campaign has forever made me appreciate them as at least being fundamentally competent and having a few neat set-pieces.

The job market for degree-holders doesn't seem particularly great, until you look at the market for non-degree holders, which is considerably worse by essentially every important metric.

Smuggling guns into America? Dohohoho, Taliban please.

This week on Star Trek, can Kirk and Spock explain the mystery of Planet Confederacy?

'Golden Globe Winner John Cusack' seems like some sort of backhanded insult.

Seriously, in 90% of situations in life, if a meeting runs more than 25-30 minutes it just means the person running it doesn't know what they're doing.

But where does Germany fit into all this?

I think you should make him a philosophy professor, the common people really relate to that. Also have a hot, yet whimsical, 20-something want to soothe his troubled soul.

This news is music to my dick.

It's quite good, and does a fine job of establishing the gradually escalating tensions of the day. I'd recommend it as well.

Shirobako was a lovely show, and in my personal wagering its second cour is even better than the first. Enjoy.

"Heavy Water? They carrying pots in a kitchen or what?"

Aw, I had assumed Triad Wars was going to be the sequel. Most unfortunate.

Just the icon clutter.

Verdun is very enjoyable. Namely, I appreciate that it's not simply a standard-issue FPS with a different coat of paint, but instead integrates the specific elements of its WW1 setting into the actual gameplay.

It really does have one of the ugliest maps I've maybe ever seen.

This E3 generated some mild enthusiasm from me rather than the total boredom of the last several so, small victories.