
If the Samurai autobiography I read in college is any indication, such a game would involve boozing, brawling, seducin' and then living out your last days comfortably wealthy anyway.

It's not quite as depressing (just pretty depressing instead!) but thematically there's a lot of carryover between this and the similarly teenager/child focused earthquake aftermath show Tokyo Magnitude 8.0.

Also to clarify matters a little, there's some conflation going on here of statements made by the film's director with those of the original story's writer.

I think it's a bit more nuanced than that, the isolation the kids pursue is in part a reaction to the inability of their society to properly account for and support them. It is a destructive decision, just not one made without reason.

Something, something ludonarrative.

But, why not make that improvement available?

But a lot of GMOs allow farmers to reduce the amount of pesticides they use. Two entirely different issues are being conflated here. 'Organic' farms still use herbicide/pesticide.

I mean, they managed to make two of them so that's still pretty decent even if it flamed out.

£250 of book-stacking goodness.

Nah I know the second game came out on Dreamcast but, I'm going on the assumption disqus doesn't own one based on the question.

I think it also helped that your character actually 'inhabits' the world, in way that most games don't attempt and if I had to reach for an analogous effort I'd probably say something like Majora's Mask.

The second game is on the original Xbox. That's probably the easiest way to play it sans emulation, I'm not sure if it's backwards compatible with 360. As far as the first, I think it's pretty much Dreamcast/Emulator or bust.

I pretty well loved them both, enough to play them through on multiple occasions at least.

We're talking about farms here though, a farm is an inherently artificial construct created by human beings that does not exist in any natural state. Planting a GMO crop versus a 'normal' crop does not alter the arability of the land or the availability of such land required to do any type of farming.

They can feed anything you want them to feed, and are no more inherently threatening to ecosystems than non-modified crops, sometimes less so.

Oh man there are so many absurd moments in this game I'm just now remembering.


A lot of the modification involved in GMO's is explicitly done to help prevent stuff like the Great French Whine Blight from happening, crops in their 'natural' state are immeasurably more likely to fail and present all manner of problems to the surrounding environment than modified ones.

Little did we know it that it would militant Esperanto aficionados that would change the face of our society!

Bubatoes is singularly unsexy.