
I've mentioned this before on here but I knew an acquaintance briefly who spent over $1000 dollars on one of these 'games' over a relatively brief period.

Those ads confuse me more than anything in the world, the intended appeal is totally mystifying.

I'd gladly beat the FFXII HD drum alongside you. There are dozens of us, dozens!

You will find new avenues of synergistic solutions to link your gaming identity to the social network.

Right, I'm largely in agreement and didn't mean to make it sound as though most viewers who dislike Piper (who I'd wager are in the majority) do so for shallow reasons.

Lewellyn Blackhands: The Goat with a Gun

I've generally being warmer on Piper than a lot of others as well. Not in the sense that's she's a good person of course, but I've generally found her story to be interesting and Schilling's performance engaging.

Counterpoint: Jon Hamm should be Indy.

To be fair, it was removed by the commenter himself and the joke was at said 'movement's' expense. Not particularly well executed, but didn't mean badly.

And thusly, ComradePig drowned trying to swim through some damn pipe.

Although the gamepad is probably approachable in practice, as a concept it's very much the opposite of such.


That is a vast, independent subject outside the purview of this documentary.

I liked Working alright but it really runs a few of its jokes into the ground over and over and over.

Shallow perhaps would have been a more apt word choice.

I mean, over half the trailer involves other Americans directing verbal or physical abuse towards Hank's character for his defense work and the other half seems to be drawing a fairly straightforward connection between Abel and Powers as men both serving their respective countries through their espionage work.

As I recall don't you have the ability to investigate the crime scene and determine that she was in league with the rebels prior to making your decision?

The longevity of the TV-edited Bueller version always stood out to me as impressive and comical testament to probably laziness and cost-cutting.

I wouldn't go quite that far, where kings and other prominent players are concerned it can certainly get close to being true but I feel that aspect can get a touch overstated.

Not sure, I kept it on the default costume as, (rarely foregrounded) boots aside, I like the aesthetics of that one more.