
Yennifer's a fun character and on whole her design is pretty great, but those boots really do stick out like a sore, ugly thumb.

Dam of Tractors would be the most Soviet movie ever made.

I really need to catch her again. I saw her kickoff show in NYC for the self titled St. Vincent album (Prince was there! I didn't see him, but he was there!) and the performance itself was as great as I had hoped but a bunch of other stuff stopped me from enjoying the night much as I would have liked, so it'd be nice

I picked up Rogue and Unity this week since they were on sale for half-off as a package and I have terrible impulse-buy control. Playing Witcher 3 simultaneously with Unity definitely makes some the flawed aspects of Ubi's games (namely structure of some the sidequests, menus etc) stand out more but I will say that it

The thing with the major quests in the Witcher 3 is that they tend to involve a lot of quests within quests, they aren't strictly defined as such but that's kind of how it works.

They reviewed it yesterday but it got shunted off the top off the top of the page near immediately and then off the main page completely about as fast, which is a shame because it's a nicely written review. In any case, lots of discussion over yonder.


On some level, from machinating the assassination of Foltest in the last game to waging the invasion proper of 3 and the requisite chaos and explosion of social ills it causes, ultimate responsibility for just about everything bad happening in the game-world leads back to Nilfgaard's doorstep.

There's a way to reverse the water-hag curse, though she ends up dying nevertheless it gives her a brief moment to reconnect with the Baron and her daughter. Though the Baron still hangs himself.

Don't forget about the game's most important feature, dynamic beard growth.

*Spoilers again*

Witcher 2 and 3 have some of the best looking and best designed fantasy clothing in games by a wide margin. There are some silly outfits/character designs here and then, but on whole they do a great job with making the clothing look appropriately of its world and era.


I much prefer Roche to Iorveth but then Iorveth's path has you fighting for the statehood of the oppressed proletariat which is way more my jam and also has Saskia doing dragon things. I did really like having to wade into the never-ending undead battle in the Roche path though.

One thing I will say about the tone, is that outside of a handful of moments, it generally feels more melancholy to me than ugly.

I tend to agree with the general consensus of no. If one's very dedicated to the franchise's world and lore there's some fun to be had in playing the first game, but on whole it's not particularly worth slogging through its many problems if one's not inclined towards it. I've played through Witcher 2 multiple times,

But the director need not even tell him to cry, for he looks on the verge of doing so perpetually. Quite the asset!

I've always found it quite dull as well. Rarely have I seen so much hand-wringing over a fictional character skipping a few days of school, and I say this as someone who has always been moderately peevish about academics.

Jean-luc shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.

Yeah, it irritates me a little sometimes that many people's first point of argumentation against this sort of (very idiotic) statement is "what are they going to do against an Army?"