
Found a nice couch at the dump once, had to make peace with all the rats living inside but after a while they become family.

But Predator is fun. Beer-commercial bullshit and starving third world children, not very fun.

I read a statement from a Russian defense official today in which he posited that the U.S wanted to control Ukraine so it could grow its evil…genetically modified crops there!

Accents always seem like a lose-lose for a big Hollywood feature.

The last five or six years of the Soviet era, when not coincidentally Come and See finally got made after many years of trying, was a really interesting period of intellectual history.

The Mermen are really coming back this year with the new coach, man.

Poor goats.

Man Hunt is definitely a bit odd, it's got shades of moody noir and has great political thriller elements but then the comedy and romance aspects are super broad and a little embarrassing. Fun movie, great final showdown, but definitely a bit scattered.

Holy Motors is really weird, and really French, but its a bit too silly to come across as self-satisfied. I certainly don't think it's a film everyone would naturally enjoy, but one gets the impression the filmmaker was having fun making it and its lack of portentous gravity helps ease the viewer in a bit.

This weekend I'll be continuing to build my successful Cities: Skylines metropolis, increasingly augmented by all manner of great custom buildings from the steam workshop, and also might try my hand at starting up a new city and going for more of a rural, agricultural type atmosphere.

I love Greek mythology as a canvas for sweaty muscle men to punch things and means to prominently feature ladies with great big gazongas in all manner of scenarios.

I'm not sure she'll ever recover from her arc in season 2.

Carravagio sits weeping in the corner, crushed by the knowledge that the new maestro of the ages, Patton Oswalt, has bested him at last in all things.

No argument there. I was just trying to point out that by and large, the rank and file AVC commentors did not really jump on-board the rage train in reacting to these tweets, generally landing somewhere in the range of "meh" to "that's slightly disappointing".

I mean, to pull it a figure from my ass, it seemed like 96% of the comments on yesterday's article basically took the (correct in my view) position that "none of this is a big deal". It wasn't really a fuming rage cesspool or anything, here anyway.

I've heard it deployed facetiously by straight guys from time to time, so he may yet be in your ballpark.

There's a little Berlusconi in all of us.

Yeah, the most vocal self-proclaimed opponents of the 'SJWs' are more often than not their rhetorical brethren.

Yeah the nuanced elements of her arguments were essentially retroactive additions.

Wait, did the latest GoT episode just come out? I've dropped the ball!