
Dracula Souls?

Crimes and Punishments was great, I'd enjoyed earlier entries in the franchise but they really stepped up the atmospherics in that entry.

I've been but many years ago and it was great indeed, lots of fascinating Patton stuff and a Tiger II to boot!

His (ghostwriter's) latest entry in this uniquely moronic franchise of popular histories is Killing Patton, in which I'm guessing he pulls abundant and egregious speculative bullshit out of his behind, seeing as Patton died after a mundane car accident.

Advent Children didn't really strike me as being particularly anime-esque, but dull was it ever. All action and cameos and no story or writing to fill it in.

Don't quote me on this but I think XIII was quite popular and sold very well in Japan, at least well enough to net itself a semi-sequel in any case.

Do you hear that? It's the sound of a thousand fujoshi furiously churning out doujins.

It's really cheap but the easiest way to grind in Valkryia is just to do the desert skirmish map a bunch of times, as it can easily be completed in a single turn with a reasonably experienced scout and therefore nets a lot of experience and barely takes any time at all with the PC load times.

I enjoy how you can superfluously rename all of your individual citizens, and even farm animals. Vladimir Buttramp is going to college!

I believe these movies form prequel material for the equally insufferable successor genre of 'moody but sensitive main characters in their forties and the mousy 20 year olds who want to blow their thick, huge intellect.'

Ukrainian/Russian state prosecutor Natalia Poklonskaya sure is a cutie, too bad about the whole Putinite 'politically motivated exploitation of the judiciary system' part.

On a whim I returned to an old favorite I hadn't watched in full in a while with Robocop, because there's never a bad time for some Robocop.

Although the arrival of Cities: Skylines has butted into my FFXIV time, I got pretty addicted to the new chocobo racing feature for a while.

It's definitely worth checking out Steam workshop as well, people have already started producing loads of really good content.

When I first played Black Flag on PC I initially forgot to turn off Uplay's cloud-saving feature, which of course was turned on by default, and ended up losing around an hour and a half of playtime when said cloud surreptitiously vanished my save files into the ether.

I picked it up earlier in the week, and after having already sunk a fairly abundant number of hours into it I think I can give it a pretty wholehearted recommendation.

Some, like Mount & Blade, are even being developed inside their own borders at this very moment!

Given how strong euroskepticism has become on both the European right and left alike, I'm inclined to think the EU will simply continue to muddle through its existence for the foreseeable future.

Ehh, even that's largely a relic of 40-60 years ago at this point. Not that there isn't a lot of less than above-board stuff going on in the international arena these days but that hasn't been the form its taken for a long time.

ISIS is so angry at your campaign right now.