
He now rests in the Tomb of the Unknown NPC.

Unquestionably. She is in my squad line-up, but Ramona is my default scoutfu.

I just completed the one last night where Welkin and Alicia get separated from the squad and you need to fight your way back to the tank while everyone else holds the line.

Yeah, I mostly try and just flank with the lancers and go straight for the rear engines while letting my tank do all the slugging it out.

Shocks are great, and of course I am compelled to use Vyse to rev up all my Skies of Arcadia nostalgia. Slowly but surely I'm starting to get good at using my tank as mobile cover and turning my squad into a well oiled machine.

This weekend will be primarily comprised of playing a whole lot of Valkyria Chronicles on PC, which I am thoroughly enjoying. Beyond that I'll probably slip in some Ultimate General: Gettysburg, a bit of my Rome II campaign and some multiplayer affairs.

I get the impression the game itself is solid if not exceptional (and based on what I've seen is damn gorgeous when it's working right) but the PC optimization is supposed to be just awful right now, which I can respect getting miffed out because one should at least be able expect the game to run properly on a decent

I think that's my favorite bit too, just a profound dedication to giving not even the slightest shit.

Are you suggesting that the man who brought us Studio 60 might not be a comedic genius?

This weekend I watched the thoroughly enjoyable sci-fi action jaunt Snowpiercer.

2033 had a lot of great individual components, moments and a wonderfully atmospheric setting but was fairly clunky and moderately bug-ridden. I still enjoyed it a great deal but one certainly needed to rough out some bumps along the way.

I do wish the PC release of Valkyria Chronicles was coming out this weekend rather than on Tuesday, but nevertheless this weekend I'll mostly be continuing onward with my Rome II campaign, doing some Planetary Annihilation multiplayer and yes, playing a bit of Farm Simulator 2015.

I must have walked past that store in NYC a hundred times and yet never knew it existed until right now, I dun' goofed.

Well, now I really do have to make that album.

Consequently, Torrents of Bloodslugs will be the name of my new black metal album.

I'm mostly familiar with Stack as the po-faced Elliot Ness from the 1950s-60s Untouchables TV show, so it took me a few minutes of thought to finally figure out where I'd seen the chummy, naive fellow he plays in this on the screen before.

This weekend I watched Ernst Lubitsch's 1942 comedy-satire To Be or Not to Be, which follows the hijinks of a group of stage actors turned resistance fighters in Nazi occupied Warsaw.

Yeah a commencement speech isn't a debate or a lecture series, it's someone telling you how to live moving forward with your life for half an hour, commemorating your hard work to reach graduation and sharing some wisdom.

Headphones, always headphones.