
Oh yeah I agree with everything you said, I was just going on a disconnected tangent here.

I'm definitely on the left end of things and Thatcher was a terrible human being but the Falklands War has always seemed quite clear cut to me.

Eh, I'm an atheist but I'd have to exceptionally arrogant to honestly proclaim that I have, with complete certainty, the answer to a question that has wracked the minds of much greater thinkers than myself for thousands of years, and there are aspects of them as community building structures and support units that I

It's total bullshit. The left, organizations that are not particularly leftist but are often branded as such like Human Rights Watch and on and on, all criticize Saudi Arabia forcefully and often.

To be fair, as far as Islamophobia is concerned it is plenty virulent in Europe now as well and it's arguably actually worse than in the US.


It's sort of remarkable to me that Spencer's still exists. Walking into one of those stores is like entering into a broken time machine that only recalls the worst parts of 1998.

I'm in a similar position at the moment and it can definitely feel a bit isolating.

This asp is very dangerous.

On the film side, this weekend I watched David Ayer's buddy-cop drama End of Watch.

I wouldn't say he's necessarily a Nice Guy.

It wasn't a Marvel licensed title but the second I hear about F2P nickel and diming super hero games, my mind goes straight to someone I sort of know who spent over $1,000 dollars on one of those utterly terrible browser based examples.

Yeah it's a enjoyable watch, and I also didn't realize going in that Kurosawa was responsible for the screenplay.

Between weddings and standardized tests it has been a busy few weekends with relatively little time for concentrated pop-culture. However, with my GRE at last completed on Saturday I hunkered back down and got into the regular swing of things.

I guess one could say your vows weren't…unbroken at all.

I should be setting up my new rig this weekend, so I'll be planning at long last to play Wolfenstein: The New Order now that I'll actually be able to run it and starting a new campaign in Rome 2 so that I can ramp up the graphics settings to their proper glory.

In space, no one can hear your lunch money get stolen.

Yeah I'm always very divided on discussing this. On one hand, it needs to be said that the harassment going on is unacceptable and reprehensible and I don't just want to bury my head in the sand with 'strictly talking about the games!" as a cop-out or what have you.

Is Sonia Sotomayo the justice's personal brand of artisanal mayonnaise?

We have achieved singularity.