
Been watching Netflix 'original'/UK import crime drama Peaky Blinders this week. It has its share of flaws certainly, but it's a damn fine looking show aesthetically and Cillian Murphy trouncing about as a stylish gangster circa 1919 is something I can get behind.

You smell that? Smells like….mmm, shit-storm in the morning.

This weekend I watched Fallen Angels, Wong Kar Wai's eclectic journey into the Hong Kong underworld. The work has all of the filmmaker's trade marks, featuring a jazzy pop soundtrack, gorgeous neon-infused visuals and rumination on themes of isolation and fleeting connections. It's a bit formless at times, but an

It's not an inherently broken format or anything, but some very talented minds have tried to reinvigorate it over the years and have only achieved qualified successes for the most part. Louie CK's HBO effort most notably comes to mind.

To be fair, I don't know the full context. It's perfectly possible that you're just staving him off for a minute or something but that's not what it looked like.

The worst part about kick happy L4D servers and part of the reason I haven't played in a long time is that in my experience it's not even that they kick anyone that isn't pro, but that they're usually absolutely terrible themselves too and just boot because they need to be in charge.

Shadow of Mordor looks like a well done fantasy yarn but I did get a pretty big laugh out of

Fine taste! Grand Ages: Rome was a very enjoyable little game, and was my go-to title for cozy relaxation for a while.

I'm setting out this weekend to drop some big but not exorbitant dollars to replace my current rig.

I saw said movie in theaters and remember making a joke to my friend seated next to me about whether we'd be getting some Saving Private Ryan style "bullets wooshing through the water" shots in the beach landing sequence, except with arrows.

You came for the fries, but stayed for the sobering destruction of the Native American way of life.

There's a pretty fun (or maybe, more like interesting) Soviet murder mystery story where one of the primary Bolshevik characters goes around calling everything and everyone she dislikes 'bourgeois' like its a 1920s version of hipster. Good times.

I'm preemptively cringing and curling into a ball in anticipation of the confused, muted reactions of Letterman and his audience.

I think most people realize this on some level but the 'kink community' or whatever has sort of constructed an insular shell for itself, and to counteract society at large thinking their interests are weird there's been a push in the other direction where it's a circle the wagons mentality where 'everything and

It amuses me a little bit that in a column that has seen people locking themselves in closets for hours on end or desiring to go to Mexico so that they can give themselves new, medically horrifying pee-holes, this is the fetish that really riles up people's disgust.



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Do as Romans do, indeed.

You want a story, that actually goes somewhere? Geez, Mr. High Standards over here.