
Yeah, I mostly just meant the scene with the other sister walking in and interrogating them. So, perhaps not resolved but…postponed.

Broad City is pretty great, I'd easily recommend it.

Shows Where tumblr People Want Creepy Incest to Happen:

Retrospectively, it should have been completely obvious where it was all going.

As uncomfortable as that whole scene is, the way that it's resolved and the ensuing dialogue is legitimately very funny and self-aware.

Yeah I definitely got the impression it was one of the primary motivating factors for her actions later in the film. She probably wouldn't be able to articulate the why of the situation, but it seemed pretty clear to me that she was very much not interested in ever having to do that again.

Everything's coming up incest!

Apuleius directs a shifty side-eye towards these historians.

Bethesda games do tend to have the habit of creating gorgeous worlds with great lore but then filling them with only the bare outlines of interesting characters.

Well, there's a scale here.

Yeah, it took me forever to get around to Party Down despite long meaning to since it wasn't steaming anywhere until fairly recently.

Yeah I'm hoping to check that one out relatively soon as well, given that I've heard such good things about it, box-office failure aside.

Took this weekend to watch one of the classic cinema thrillers with Henri-George Cluzot's The Wages of Fear.

I'm sure the game has its merits but the whole thing does sort of seem like it should be the parodic endpoint of a certain brand of indie side-scrollers.

Glad to see someone else who enjoyed Wolfenstein 2009. It wasn't a revolutionary game by any stretch but like much of Raven's output the core gameplay just felt right, and as a result it was a breezily enjoyable title.

Sex Boat Scandal is the name of my two decades late swing revival album.

I'll be playing a slew of new titles this weekend along with the usual standbys.

Sure, you've seen ramming speed, but have you seen ramming speed…in spaceships?

But think of the fan-fiction Skeletons, think of the fan fiction.

Moms are tough!