
And here I was, thinking that would just be a joke.

So said the creators of Snakes on a Plane.

Has the entire cast been replaced again? Is this a meta-statement on the disposable nature of modern man? Is anyone even watching at this point to notice?

The developers said that swimming pools were 'too difficult to implement' and thus are not in the game.

Caw, caw caw.

I keep hearing anti-circumcision advocates using the term 'complete' to describe and ostensibly normalize being uncircumcised, but really, fuck whoever thought up that term.

This is giving me flashbacks. Not to Iraq, but to having seen War, Inc.

Blue is the Warmest Color viewings spiked by 38%!

I'll get the formula right this time, I'm sure of it.

For all intents and purposes, academic fraternities and live-in/social fraternities bare no relation to each other at this point and serve very different functions. The former are essentially just professional-academic organizations/networking structures.

Yeah I remember reading about the ambiguous nature of the ending beforehand so I was prepared for it, but at least as it plays out visually I certainly read it as the more literal of the options on the table.

Got back into the film side of things this weekend with maritime survival story All is Lost.

I've been playing Tropico 4 of late and have been quite enjoying it.

Title dropping aside, he's basically right on this one.

David Cameron said it'd break his heart if they left, surely the independence contingent will now give up rather than risk parting from such a beloved figure.

Pass some of those math smarts on to me for next month please.

But Black Dynamite, I sell adultery to the community.

Counterpoint: I emphatically would not have wanted to be there when Tiger Woods had sex with mistress after mistress.

Squeezer to the dome!

At the very least I'll be glad I won't have to see ads for this nearly as much anymore once it airs, because even by reality show standards this whole gimmick is transparently pointless and embarrassing in its attempts to pretend that it's anything other than a Big Brother rehash.