
Clark is super gross. It's not even just that his films are always incredibly sleazy and sensational, but the way he coats them in so much moralizing and the blatant distaste he shows for his subjects is even more off-putting.

No movies for me this weekend as I substituted my usual Sunday night slot to get the chance to see the vaunted Neutral Milk Hotel live, with one of AVC's finest no less. As anticipated, it was a thoroughly satisfying and lively performance, and all around great time with Mangum and the band getting in all the hits and

There's really no reason they ought to be terrible, the basic building blocks for all sorts of decent movies are there.

Beat me to it, though thankfully only the first movie in my case. Sorry mom!

Zed's dead baby, zed's dead.

It's completely unnecessary, but were one forced to adapt such a thing it'd be one of the easier franchises to do. Philosophizing aside, GiTs in its various iterations is pretty accessible.

This review makes the movie sound serviceable but on the Other Site, Rabin really tears it down as only he can when he gets on a roll. I enjoy both Stillman and Anderson so I'm not inherently antipathetic to the style or class elements, but the sample dialogue in said review is pretty wretched.

Yeah, the rank and file Iraqi soldier by all accounts is mostly competent enough but the chain of command was so saturated with cronyism and politicization that the second ISIS appeared in strength all of the officers jumped town and left the troops with no direction and consequently little will to fight.

There's no way to go about saying this without sounding like some above-it-all hipster asshole but I'm just so uninvested in this entire thing.

A reality program so morally reprehensible that even Amelie is disgusted? Abandon hope all ye' who enter TLC.

I read the first one back in high school and while there is unquestionably a lot of nautical terminology, it's not impenetrable or anything. Though I do imagine that it's indeed better for those deeply invested in such things.

Whenever Dumbass isn't on the page, the commentariat should be asking "Where's Dumbass?"

I had sort of a mixed reaction to said show, the slice-of-life and work place comedy stuff I just about adored but I always tended to check out whenever the fantasy plot came back to the fore and tonally it was all over the place sometimes. Most certainly a fun watch in any case though.

That's a great clip. "You put on a Safari helmet and walk around in some shit and that makes you a journalist?" was the best, most concise criticism one could possibly make of the largely abysmal Vice Guide to Liberia.

Although mine doesn't freeze, lately after every commercial the screen does indeed go black and I just get audio, on my tablet I can just minimize it and go straight back in and for whatever reason that fixes it quickly, but it's unquestionably irritating nevertheless.

A largely TV heavy weekend for me, but I did take the time to watch Werner Herzog's collaborative documentary Happy People: A Year in Taiga.

You might say he Crushers pussy all night long, am I right bruv? High five, high five.

ME1 is technically pretty clunky but has a great story and world-building, ME2 is near perfection with much refined mechanics and a narrative that is more standard but also loads of fun in a Seven Samurai sort of setup, ME3 retains most of the gameplay improvements but is huge mess in most all other regards.

Please, all these perfectly serviceable games being listed.

Like most histories and auto/biographical works written prior to about the 19th century, standards on accuracy were pretty damn lax, partially by design, and while there's probably a lot of fudging of individual elements the overall essence of the work is basically legitimate and a useful guidepost.