
Although the "we want to be GoT" vibes are nigh impossible to shake off from the screencaps above, if the creative team has even the slightest competency then there's loads of fertile historical ground here to build a great show out of.

It'll lead to a lot of pints of Haagen Daaz thrown up at the screen in disgust.

According to all of the hand-wringing from the country music world over said video, apparently so? How it's actually really any different than basically any of her other recent albums however, is a mystery to me as well.

Something something appropriation; something something betrayal of country music

I have nothing against Brody but share a similar antipathy for Edward Norton, he just exudes so much smug.

Unfortunately, his killer abs couldn't stop that killer…fist.

I'm taking the GRE in a month and have barely studied up on my math at all, what am I doing!

No doubt aiming to preemptively disprove all those folks in the future who would judge poetry as unmanly, let's not forget famed Russian poet Alexander Pushkin met his end via a bullet through the gut thanks to an altogether quite stupid duel with a French military officer.

Very enjoyable so far, has its rough spots here and there but great character interaction from the get-go and certainly isn't afraid to get incredibly weird, which I appreciate. I'm still relatively early yet (ep.8, with wonky netflix order granted) but, good stuff.

The breadth of my Ozu knowledge isn't as extensive as I'd like, but his earlier Late Spring seems like it'd a good choice as its one of his best regarded films and cements a lot of the thematic and visual motifs he'd continue to work with later, and I enjoyed it quite a lot. Equinox itself wouldn't be a bad choice


This weekend I watched Yasujiro Ozu's 1958 family drama Equinox Flower. Although far from being bereft of substance or intelligence, Flower is comparatively one of Ozu's tonally lighter works with a tone that exudes warmth and compassion, with a touch of melancholy and plenty of gently humorous moments. Contributing

That would be a big plus for sure.

Speaking vaguely on-topic, does anyone know if the Steam version of FF7 that was released a little while back is moddable?

Her death in the game has sort of overshadowed all the other elements of her character and by and large made her seem much more dull, but particularly in the first half Aeries is actually pretty snarky and mischevious.

Don't forget that horrendous adaptive leveling system for bosses that made grinding feel even more prolonged and painful than usual.

I think it might have ostensibly been splash mountain or the haunted mansion or something, not that it actually happened anyway.

I'm so sleepy or perhaps just daft right now that I initially imagined Screech punching a fan of the room cooling variety, which I must say sounds even better than what's actually on display.

He will have her compose many a Grecian stage play to be performed for all of antiquity.

Rabin's review of that monstrosity remains seared into my brain forever. Given that it was practically self-published, I'm pretty surprised a network actually dug it out of obscurity to put it into slightly less obscurity.