

God, creator of universe, still can't figure out how to properly use the light switch in his own abode.

Hearts of Iron 3 is gloriously detailed and immensely rewarding assuming that you can figure out what you're doing, a task alas, that I never succeeded in accomplishing.

When I switched computers a few days ago I had to go without ad-block for a brief period, and one of the first things I was greeted with was my ears being blasted by annoying moppets yelling "Swear Jar!" from Wish I Was Here ads.

Ohh myyy goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood

I'm almost wondering if Caputo is only going to be a provisional fixture in his current position and we'll be getting an entirely new character to fill in Fig's role in the latter half of a third season or sometime later.

This weekend I watched the three-part German mini-series Generation War (or titled in German as "Our Mothers, Our Fathers").

Yeah, everything in Sleeping Dogs just works. Most of the individual components of the game are admittedly cribbed from other titles, but each is just polished and integrated really well. Even the fairly cliche-laden story is weirdly involving.

Black metal is completely inferior to Varangian Slightly-Darker-Shade-of-Black Doom Metal, rube.

We have a vaudeville hook for a reason.

Man-pugs are not cute.

I only eat Nordic post-hardcore free-trade potato salad.

One might even say it's….toepical.

No, no, no Lurky, that's a worthy cause, silly.

At that everyone, is why you should drink three glasses of water every day.

I shared the same indoor space with Prince once. I mean, I didn't know he was there but the New Yorker article I read later said he was, so I'll take it. We breathed the same air probably.

Po-ta-toes, boil em, mash em, use em' to separate people from their money and gain transient internet fame.

The real question is, do the special ape police strut around in SS uniforms and have incomprehensible extra-judicial powers all because humanity's pet cats died like in the original?

In Michael Bay's version, we basically do!

Also, they turn you into a deer if you piss them off. Tough crowd.