
Velikiy is still a couple hours out from St. Petersburg, totally doable as a solid day trip don't get me wrong, but the only way there is bus or commuter rail so it can't be used as a transit point, you'd have to return to Peter first.

If you have Netflix and are into Battlestar Galactica type scenarios, dystopian science fiction settings and perhaps, giant space robots, then Knights of Sidonia might be right up your alley.

I use a drinking bird to peck one letter at a time.

I routinely forget to check my phone for hours and hours or even just end up leaving it uncharged for days at a time.

My primary memory of Novgorod is of pain and wondering if I would leave with all of my toes still attached, good times.

Pop-culture weekend on a Sunday? It's more likely than you think.

The man's not wrong, it is indeed impossible to make an inanimate tool of farm labor into a housewife.

Giraffes, those majestic mysteries!

'The debt' has just become such an empty buzzphrase.

Back in 2008 when Obama won, I heard someone yell out the window of a fraternity "Fuck Socialism! I'm moving to Canada!" at various revelers.

D'Souza's lawyers might want to spend less time fighting Google over imagined slights and more time dealing with that whole 'Our client violated a bunch of campaign finance laws and might go to jail' bit.

Show Spoilers Etc.

On whole I enjoyed it quite a lot.

I think there's probably just too many episodes for FMA: Brotherhood to really make for an effective show to review on an episode-by-episode basis.

It's on Crunchyroll, go watch it, it's great!

On the film side, this weekend I watched the 1960 noir Zero Focus. Although spottily plotted here and there, the movie is on whole an efficient and well-crafted thriller following a recent newlywed who must use the barest of clues to track down the fate of her mysterious husband who vanishes without a trace shortly

It's just another dog-whistle term for Socialist/Communist among that crowd, if he's anti-colonialist that must mean he's Robert Mugabe. Etc.

Coulter's not even relevant anymore so I don't get irritated about anything she says these days. Her brand of trolling has long since been surpassed by more sincere, but also regrettably more batshit, forms of unpleasant conservative punditry.

The Congo Free State was a wonderful utopia where everyone lived joyful lives full of hand-chopping and deforestation frolicking and plenty.

Yeah, it's well entrenched in the lore and story of the world so I can't fault it on that level.