
Or my version from playing Empire: Total War, where the United States turned into a monarchy and conquered large sections of India and South America. Good times.

It'll be a mix of the usual slate of games and digging back into recent Steam sale purchases this weekend for me.

To Hitler's dismay, his nuclear bombers would be shot down by a group of elite medieval pikemen.

Yeah that makes it even worse, they've opened the door for all kinds of unbelievably moronic exceptions to be made by employers down the line.

It's gonna be just like NCIS!

You're not alone, though I also had to read this headline a good three or four times before I understood it.

Preferably in some way that does not include the word 'intercourse'.

That was such a fun gag, they did a great job of upending your expectations in that moment based on all too many similar scenes being played out straight in other shows.

That was also my first Bond film, and as a youngin' I remember being very confused that what I was watching was not in fact Goldeneye as I had assumed from having played said titular game.

Well, I've only watched the first episode yet so my insights are fairly limited beyond 'it seems promising', but glad to hear it delivers on that potential down the line.

Aside from it being terrible, my main recollection of Bad Boys II was that it felt as though it went on forever. I'm not even sure if it runs that much lengthier than average, but the plot is so scattered you feel as though you've watched four disconnected movies by the time it ends.

It's totally going to throw off the first 30 minutes of my Monday work day morning.

Didn't get around to anything on the highbrow end this weekend, devoting most of my time to Steam summer sale related things and general laziness.

I used to have a roommate who would (somehow) fall asleep with his headphones playing like that, usually to an infinitely repeating playlist composed of a handful of LMFAO and Adele songs.

The soothing sweet Laurel Canyon sound of Dawes would never grow old.

The music-video aesthetic of so, so many current Russian films really needs to be retired. The way the same visual look is applied even to genres where it doesn't make any sense, contribute anything or is actively detrimental to the atmosphere of the movie (comedies, historical dramas) is just perplexing.

To be fair, Kurosawa did sue Leone for generously borrowing from Yojimbo, and won.

I think my personal favorite in regard to bad concert experiences is when people insist on trying to mosh to bands that have no business being moshed to.

In terms of personal hells, being stuck on an eternal car ride with someone who skips to the next song halfway or less through every single musical selection would be very high on the list. I fully understand why people do it but for whatever reason when it's out your control it is just awful.

Pointless nitpickery is the worst. I've had one or two friends who were incapable of resisting the urge to make such comments while watching just about anything and it is unfathomably irritating, not only because it is just a distraction from the actual viewing experience but there is also almost never substance to