
It's definitely not a niche phenomenon, I'm going to pull a figure out of my ass and say that a good 50% of males ages 11-17 go through this phase in regards to the presumed superiority of classic rock.

The Borgias is considerably better than the Tudors, it sort of got lumped in with it from sharing the same network and the 'deviously sexy historical dynasty' angle but they're pretty different in terms of how they each approach storytelling.

Yeah, that sounds about right. I appreciate the effort and that games like that are still being made so I wouldn't want things to change really, but I sure as hell had no idea what I was doing when I tried Hearts of Iron 3 much as I would have liked to.

As someone (for shame!) who is generally daunted by the complexity of Paradox games, CK2 is surprisingly easy to ease one's way into. The game's focus on family rather than truly national affairs keeps things a bit more focused, and once you learn the basic elements, everything else starts to fall into place pretty

Particularly given the less than stellar pedigree of its predecessor, Two Worlds 2 was much more enjoyable than it had any right to be. Imperfect still certainly, but a pretty inventive and enjoyable game nevertheless.

No, no not at all. I phrased that poorly, I'm referring to people who go out of their way to justify all manner of violence against Israelis and take extremely hardline Pro-Palestinian positions. The ideological opposites/companions to the "wipe the Palestinians off the map" folks on the other side.

There's definitely folks in both camps without actual family/religious ties to the region. I've met more of the latter type that you describe, but certainly no shortage of the former either and they're just as noxious.

There is always the similar but less (literally) punchy equivalent from Catch Me If You Can.

Yeah, if it's there's one thing people are exceptional at its rationalizing their own actions.

Treeman and the Three-Eyed Raven have the dopest van art in all Westeros.

"A lot of weird people on the internet have been making incestuous art"

I have big hopes for Kurdish Jon Snow.

I come to the AVC for incisive analysis of Obama's options in dealing with Iraq's sectarian divides.

I probably wouldn't classify it as New Wave, as stylistically it's a fairly traditional (in the positive sense) film, and the director was an extremely prolific long-time filmmaker going back to the 40s.

Yeah the scene dealing with that element is very brief but nevertheless pivotal and informs the antagonist's later behavior, in he and several of his compatriots are witnessed beating one civilian and then dragging off another, presumably to be raped.

It's a shame that a show with such a great foundation will never Catch Fire.

Yeah, like most games developed by Raven it's not particularly exceptional in any one regard (and wants very badly to be Bioshock or Half-Life 2) but the appealing aesthetic and strong core mechanics make it an enjoyable experience nevertheless.

Although I certainly won't be watching Under the Dome, I will be eagerly awaiting the dumbest clips arriving online. If things continue in the vein of the first season, there should be plenty of unintentional comedy gold on the way.

But can Xiu Xiu defeat Liu Bu?

This weekend I watched the strong, if somewhat awkwardly named, A Legend or Was It?