
All Saved by the Bell articles became irrelevant after Nabin's review of the Screech actor's dubiously factual memoir. The horrifying stuff of legend that.

God help the winners, and I don't even believe in god. You brave, dumb, magnificent bastards.

Hypothetically, poly is a perfect valid approach to relationships, but I feel like in order for it to be successful you need all the parties involved to be exceptionally mature and have excellent, honest communicative skills across the board.

Whenever I think of the Airport franchise I am instantly reminded of a scene in the the last one, in which a guy sticks his arm out the window of an in flight Concorde with a gun and successfully fires it.

Wait, Telltale is making a GoT game?

Yeah it's a very charming show so far, I'm a little less than halfway through.

A fairly busy weekend for me this go around, so I didn't manage to watch any movies.

A phenomenon many a nerdy high school boy has attempted to capitalize on.

He clearly understands Adventure Time on a much deeper level than you.


Yeah, it is always worth mentioning that while college costs have become exorbitant, those without degrees are overwhelmingly in a much worse position economically by essentially every margin.

High and Low, Frances Ha, Tokyo Drifter, maybe Rushmore

It's getting better but is definitely still a lingering problem with AAA games, seeing how much better and more vibrant Battlefield 3 and 4 look when the dull blue and orange filter is removed for example is always frustrating.

I'm certainly not one to go and direct vitriol at people over Twitter, it's juvenile and hateful and all the rest, and there's loads I deeply dislike about the culture that surrounds gaming.

I don't want guns, gore and sideboob….I just, want fun games?

As an addendum to Dik's fine advice, when you go out on weekends and so forth, try to the degree it's possible to put getting laid to the back your mind and priorities.

Starring Ryan Gosling.

What I would give for another Powerstone, Shenmue or Skies or Arcadia sequel. I just want to throw lamposts at my foes once more.

Oh sweet summer child.

At day's end it's about priorities for me, I get where you're coming from but it seems a bit absurd to me to not want gamers (A term to be fair, that I dislike and wouldn't apply to myself but will use now for shorthand's sake) to be the driving force of well, games.