
Yeah, the scene initially plays out in a pretty heartbreaking way even if obviously driving to and breaking into someone's house is obsessive and out-of-control unto itself.

Doesn't seem particularly outrageous to me, after all, historical sieges dragged on for years at a time in many cases and they weren't dealing with gigantic ice-walls.

While we're on the topic of overlooked South American wars, I've always found the Chaco War (also involving Paraguay) quite interesting. It tends to get overshadowed obviously by the lead-up to World War II but it was a fairly devastating conflict on its own.

So, that middle movie sounds fun as all hell. I'll be seeking that one out for sure.

Yeah, there's rather a lot going on.

Yeah, Come and See is one the greats but it's about as hellish and soul-crushing as films come.

Yeah, thinking more on it that makes quite a bit of sense both in regards to the protagonist's worldview and the story's redemption through hardship/suffering element.

This weekend, on the film side I watched Robert Bresson's Pickpocket, which follows a petty criminal working his trade on the streets of Paris.

"Still uses homemade instruments and auxiliary performers"

I don't think I've ever watched a whole series in a day or anything, but 3-4 days is probably the standard.

Yeah, while it's probably not something I'd probably watch regardless, if they just set it up as a fun, tongue-in-cheek competitive game I think one could make an enjoyable enough show with this premise nevertheless.

Yeah, obviously I'm all for people trying more challenging works and seeking out stuff with artistic merit but I don't really know where this conception comes from that everyone in previous decades was always reading Great Literature all the time to begin with.


I was torn on it winning, in that it both fully deserves such an award while more practically speaking, also knowing that morons would use its recognition as a means to dismiss it as 'white guilt Oscar-bait" when it couldn't be further from that in terms of both style and substance.

You need not feel guilty, that's ultimately not particularly productive and can get a bit silly, but it is good to acknowledge that we've all benefited from those circumstances in some way or another.

The second is a much, much more polished product, and you can definitely jump into it without having finished or played the first. It can still sort of be a clunky, frustrating mess at times but it's a gorgeous clunky mess with a great world and choices that matter at least.

What's the use of wooing elf maidens if the guys from the DoD don't know you did?

Where are all the games?

To my great shame, I switched to easy mode about half-way through The Witcher 2. So, I think Obama is in the clear here.

Yeah, the main characters are pretty great across the board and the overall atmosphere of the show is very inviting.