
It does feel a little slight at times, and the protagonist does have a somewhat cipher like quality, but on some level I think that's by design.

This weekend I watched two pictures examining, in rather different circumstances, the impact of war on the individual, these being the sweeping 1939 technicolor epic The Four Feathers and early 70s WW2 picture Overlord.

I love Firefly now, but came incredibly close to dropping it forever after the initial time I attempted to watch it.

I'm glad Nerdist exists because their broader network has created some good things, but the Nerdist podcast itself seems much too formless to be engaging for me. They get great guests but the episodes I've tried always feel too much like late-night interviews stretched out well beyond their limits.

Right, that's a very good way of summarizing things.

Agreed on both counts. Hannibal I'm sure is a quality show but I've just no desire to delve into that world on a weekly basis and, reinvent things though it may try, I just really do not care at all about most fiction focused around serial killers at this point.

Yeah, Mixology is a rare episode of television that captures the actual trajectory and atmosphere of a lot of nights out drinking in college (and beyond).

The only reasonable explanation for that ending is that the author is an extremely dedicated, long-form troll. One whose efforts succeeded beyond her wildest imagination.

There's also a relatively recent remake of Space Battleship Yamato that is supposed to be worth seeking out.

AoT's popularity has definitely netted it plenty of derision in some circles, but on whole I'd say it's viewed by core fans as an above average but fairly derivative dark Shonen series.

If the show was made now, they'd probably be sisters.

Yeah Gundam Wing was the nerd unifier back in my elementary and middle school days as well since it had elements that appealed to a pretty broad swath of people, mutually liking it is even how I came to know my first girlfriend. D'aw I'm getting all nostalgic.

Nothin' wrong with fighting some bears now and again.

Studious schoolgirls who dream of waging war in their spare time? Are you sure you weren't watching anime?

Nah I get that, I just phrased it awkwardly.

Yeah, basically all of the armies of the time used horses far, far more than the popular imagination of the war and the narrative of Blitzkrieg generally suggest.

Yeah that's an amusing touch given how much Fox loves directing vitriol at 'Liberal Hollywood'.

But one day, they'll be rich too. Just like The Donald!

I hate every Ben I see, from Ben-gaha to Benghazi.

A mob movie from the director of Carlos? Yep, I'll be watching this one.