
I'll be seeing Beirut next month, I've been meaning to see them forever and they were one of my primary gateways to indie so it should be a good time.

My (least) favorite experience with U-Play was with its dreadful cloud saving feature, which would routinely wipe saves stored on it.

It's just so…bland. Once the gameplay footage started rolling out it became clear there wasn't really a single truly interesting element about the game, it just exists.

Now someone tells me!

*Montage to period appropriate music ensues*

Hey chump, you want a pizza me?

Indiana? That's a dog's name.

One of the things that immediately jumped out to me about several of the Nazi-approved paintings was how stylistically indistinguishable the majority of them were from the 'Socialist-Realism" aesthetic favored under Stalinism. Hell, one of them was even titled something in the line of 'Workers, Peasants and Soldiers"!

Yeah I certainly can see that, I'm digging it so far though. The issues I picked up cover an arc that got skipped over in the show so that helps a bit as well since it's fresh material.

This weekend I hit up the Neue Galerie in New York to see their current special exhibit highlighting works that had once been a part of the Nazi regimes 'degenerate art' exhibition in the lead up to the second world war.

Every so often in High School my neighbor and I would just watch some of the batshit/extremely low-budget religious programming that was on TV because I guess that's what cool high schoolers do with their free time during the week, and even among all that, John Hagee's stuff always stood out as particularly looney.

If this is same one the one I'm thinking of well, I did not expect those sounds when I first watched it let me tell you that.

Yeah I'm pretty much expecting an adequate but largely unexceptional open-world game from Watch Dogs.

That's pretty much Osvobozhednie, it has plenty of problems and biases to be certain but the battle sequences are huge and in terms of equipment and uniforms and all that, very accurate.

There are quite a number of excellent Soviet era war films that are worth seeking out. The most nuanced and famous are the hellish Come and See, Andrei Tarkovsky's Ivan's Childhood, The Cranes are Flying and Ballad of a Soldier. The epic film series Siberaide also covers some ground on that front.

Particularly within the realm of this mini-series I don't think expanding the perspective to the German side anymore than was done would have been wise on a narrative level.

Where's Firefly?

Also, in terms of Todd's discussion of its depiction of the enemy, the small subplot with the wounded German stuck on the riverbank I always found to be quite understated but effective in this episode.

Microfilm huh? I'm now going to assume you work for the CIA circa 1961 and wear fine suits.

Will do! Though I imagine I will be mostly alright in that regard, less so with math, oh god back to math.