
After much waffling I finally signed up for a date for the GRE, setting me on the path of no return towards applying to grad schools in earnest. Here we goo.

Sure you aren't just trying to get some new clients for your own clinic?

I can only bestow your comment with one like, but in spirit I give it many more.

"I am in no position to make more of an effort than this."

Oh man, could we finally be approaching the endgame here? This is like the Duke Nukem Forever of Savage Love.

Yes sir, that particular letter definitely crossed the hallowed "what the fuck am I reading" boundary for me.

Huh, that certainly sounds like a much healthier mentality than what I'm familiar with so that's refreshing to hear, thanks for the correction.

The concept itself is nothing traumatizing. It's just a specific subset of pop-star that is mostly popular in Asia, largely originating from Korea and Japan.

Hell, that's downright tame compared to some of the stuff that has happened. The way people (and their own labels) shame them for the slightest, most human of 'indiscretions' can be pretty deplorable.

I think it also varies based simply on what they are able to license, FMA: Brotherhood and Welcome to the NHK both are subbed on Netflix for example.

Elementary school me thought Dragonball Z was dumb even then, but that's mostly because I was a pretentious little douche and thought Gundam Wing had Deep Things to say about politics. Also, battle robots.

Dated someone? That pillow is no longer pure, how disgusting.

Eh, the Common Core has some good components and ideas but it's deeply flawed in many others.

Yeah, his outfit is pretty much the spitting image of the kind of anti-semitic caricature you'd have seen in Der Sturmer or something.

An inferior genre to crabcore.

Be glad you only had to deal with Roth rather than "Boston's Booy" Sam Adams, whose only hit song was/is just a re-purposed and even lousier spin on I Love College.

That seems more ill-advised for the insulter than the insulted. I don't want my sworn enemy's dumps in my seafood after all.

One must take things a further step back.

It's time for some very dedicated LARP in Liechtenstein.

All that and radiation!