
Who wouldn't like those two things?

Wake Up, Girls! was quite an enjoyable and underrated show, I appreciated its more incisive perspective on the idol phenomenon and its uglier components.

I'm can't recall which version of the story/attached academic text we read on it anymore, but a little digging yields that it was one of the variations on this fellow's story. I think maybe it was the version featured in the U of Chicago book listed there.

Back in the Japanese history course I took in college, there was one period short story we read where whole first half was this very grounded historical-style account of the hardships of the peasantry and the rigidity of the social order, but then after a certain event the second half turns into this gloriously

Drinking Buddies definitely slipped under the radar a bit but it's a really well done little film for all the reasons you mention, was quite a pleasant surprise for me.

Yeah Fuller is a very interesting filmmaker, he always had one foot in the world of art and one in the world of B-movies and somehow he combines those two inclinations successfully to create some great films.

This weekend I watched Samuel Fuller's Korean War picture The Steel Helmet. Although about as blunt and unsubtle as they come, Fuller's 1951 film confronts America's racial inequality in a daring way while simultaneously telling a story of grit and survival shared universally by the combat infantryman.

I don't think any reasonable person would consider you a dick for not enjoying the same pop-culture as them.

Yeah, it's certainly not essential viewing but I've been surprised how much fun the show can be when the right guests are on.

I haven't in fact, it's been quite awhile since I've played at this point but that's something I'll have to investigate.

As of press time, Zooey Deschanel has not bestowed any passionate elevator sex upon me.

One time, I bumped into a girl in an elevator and it turned out that just like me, she loved The Smiths! It was obviously love at first sight, because there are no other 20 somethings besides us in the whole world who know about There is a Light that Never Goes Out.

Lazy rationalizations for why voting doesn't matter are one of my biggest pet peeves. It's the worst I say, the worst.

I think the reason your friend didn't want you to do it has less to do with offending anyone and more to do with preventing you from looking like a huge dork to the locals.

I will take this opportunity to shill for which I generally find to be the best source for consistently high quality and nuanced North Korea related news and analysis.

Purity Ring - Shrines
St Vincent - St Vincent
Hello Sleepwalkers - Masked Monkey Awakening

Mostly Gojira and Guardians of the Galaxy, X-Men will probably be good but I'm pretty apathetic about it anyway for whatever reason.

Man's best friend with benefits.

Yeah, Bakemonogatari is definitely all over the place. Gorgeous visuals and color palette, and the characters are quite well formed on whole, but it's not always as clever as it thinks with some of the fan-service and other elements. I can imagine your podcast trolling provocations on the matter were very entertaining.

Yeah this was my feeling for much of the season as well. Almost every episode had emotional beats that felt forced.