
Yeah, not to mention the manner in which so many of the city's kids seemed completely inured to violence. Just another part of daily life to them.

I'm not shocked at how people have reacted to Shae, but I mostly attribute it the poor quality of writing that has accompanied her character from basically day one.

Definitely, very well said.

High and Low is so great, I'm indebted to the Dissolve as well for bringing it to my attention.

Breathless and Band of Outsiders are both fairly accessible and stylish.

Narco Cultura: TL:DR Good movie - A deeply melancholic documentary chronicling the manner in which the violence and brutality of Mexico's ongoing drug war is transforming the nation's cultural and social norms. The film follows two central figures, Richi Soto, a crime scene investigator in the embattled city of Jaurez…

I feel like this kind of behavior is sort of everywhere when it comes to games and it can get really tiring.

I have to agree, I understand that he is considered an important inspiration to many modern comedians but his stand-up has never managed to elicit a laugh from me.

"Saint Bartholomew was flayed. Here's one of my favorite depictions…"

The T-shirts hocked to tourists in Russia are so bad but still in that very universal way shared by all tacky tourist shirts. You can be positive each shirt will include at least one of the following themes:
1. Vodka
2. Russian women, pretty hot amirite?
3. Communism!

Yeah, hacky Kardashian jokes always net an eye-roll from me whether they be online or on TV or in film.

I think my biggest pop-culture pet-peeve has nothing to do with any particular work, but largely with perspective. Namely, when people cast off something they don't personally like or that just doesn't appeal to them as shit without really backing it up with any argument.

"There's no excuse for that leveling system!" she yelled while storming out the door forever.

On whole I try and not have many real 'dealbreakers' in regards to taste, because ultimately it's just not that important and I enjoy plenty of silly shlock myself along with the highbrow stuff.

One of the reasons I like RLM a lot is that they actually tend to avoid, and even satirize, the hyperbolic tendencies of internet reviewers. I certainly agree that there's nothing more dull than the endless parade of "Insert adjective-Nerd" gimmicks.

They sure have one thing in common: No one ever stays dead.

The insufferability factor of writing this book was high enough, but starring in it as this particular Gary-Stu character really pushes it to the next level.

You certainly have a knack for finding interesting reading material Judkins, seems like something that'd be worth seeking out and adding to my (ever-expanding) backlog.

Even God's not Dead is better than The Star Wars Christmas Special.

Those blindfolded Punch Out! speed runs are something else, the level of precision that guy manages to achieve from just audio cues and gut feelings is really impressive.