

This was a very solid episode, but time for me to be pedantic and say that some of those helmets in the screencap above look suspiciously Renaissance era.

For their sake, I'd hope not.

Remember though, it's 'classy'.

I imagine you're right, it just always seemed to me that if you're going to be a celebrity (and not be in the know yourself) you at least ought to hire a professional googler or something.

It's really only the Japanese Prime Minister who visits it, most other world leaders steer well clear because it causes a huge political shitstorm every single time.

Bundy went on Alex Jones (of fucking course) right after the NYT reported his comments and tried to deny that he ever made any racist statements, thankfully with the video he can't bullshit his way out of this one.

The logistics of this sort of blunder are always somewhat fascinating to me.

There's just no incentive to make them look otherwise really. Audiences aren't really going to these particular movies for their visual prowess, so from the production side of things it's just less expensive and less time consuming to stick with simple shooting arrangements and bare sets.

Aw come on, it worked out great under the Soviet….okay maybe not so much.

Ted Leo is great. Aimee Mann is great. This interview was adorable.

Ours is not to wonder why, ours is to use Disqus and cry.

When you do that it sort of makes you seem like you're not….a real human being.

It's just paint, they're not going all Inglorious Basterds, but I agree on the general point/ugliness of the act.

That's pretty hard to do sometimes with a substantive democratic system, without one….

Why do you people always need to Trotsky out these trite puns?

I think the cancellation was more of a practical precaution than a political statement for the most part.

This. Obviously pushing a kid out of a window isn't exactly a moral action, but the consequences of that information getting out would have been catastrophic for his entire family and the ruling dynasty. It's an extremely logical decision given the life or death stakes for him and Cersei both in that moment. Similar

I feel like the scene was just constructed in an incredibly daft way.