
Yep I would easily recommend them, both are very watchable along with intelligent.

But what if you have a fortress for it?

That's a great album, I'll make it to one of their live shows eventually dammit!

A Touch of Sin: An excellent film depicting the manner in which the social and economic conditions of Chinese society have created a volatile human powder-keg. The film is composed of four distinct, but loosely connected vignettes, depicting individuals on the brink who are subsequently pushed over the edge into acts…

Cool, I'll have to add it to my (ever-growing) backlog. I'm always intrigued by series within said medium that take a more grounded, critical eye at elements of the culture.

To screw with sales because they didn't like that it was rotoscoped or because of how it was being sold? An odd move in the former case.

I remember once as a kid I wanted to show a medium-sized, boxed toy to my parents while we were at the store, but thought that carrying it around solo would look like I was trying to steal it.

There's hope, I borrowed a PC game from a friend of mine early in high school and only returned it years later, midway through college.

When my friends and I went to see Rambo, one of them bought a chocolate cake at KFC beforehand and subsequently ate it during the movie.

Listen, deciding whether Spider-Ham is canon or not is some serious shit.

The way physical media releases are often handled in Japan is absolutely insane to me.

Great stuff, although I haven't watched it in years and years. My DVD is still nestled around here somewhere so I should really fish it out and revisit it.

I do remember Ireland having bizarrely common palm trees. Still not exactly sunny Barcelona but details, details.

It's definitely an issue with the genre in general. Although it can get a bit convoluted and stumble in execution sometimes I think GiTS in its various iterations still manages overall to tell a coherent story and has some ideas and things to say that are worth digging into.

I think Sean put that in there to address that inevitable question before it was asked, pretty sure you're on the same page here.

I heard…that motherfucker had like, 30 goddamn dicks.

Maybe it's just because I don't really think there are any weak episodes in the entire run, but I'm surprised this one didn't quite work for a lot of people.

The theme of that party is always what really gets me the most about that whole story.

I'm not sure how I feel about someone with an MLP avatar having a way more satisfying love life than me.

Yup that sounds incredibly miserable alright.